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AUTOPIA: What did we learn from 10 months of AV operation in Ski?

AUTOPIA: What did we learn from 10 months of AV operation in Ski?

Dato 31. august 2022 08:30 – 16:00

Sted Ruter S – Jernbanetorget 1, 0154 Oslo

From April 2021 until January 2022, Ruter and the AUTOPIA partnership trialled a service of automated vehicle transport in Ski. The vehicles operated along a route between Ski station and the nearby neighbourhood of Hebekk, as an integrated part of the local public transport system.  

What did we learn from these 10 months of operation?

At this conference we will share learning and key insights from the AUTOPIA project: Challenges encountered, achievements reached – and what we need to improve in order to make shared, automated vehicles viable as part of a public transport system in the Nordics.

You will learn about winter operations, how customers perceived and used the service, interaction between automated vehicles and pedestrians, implementation methodologies and much more.

We will also talk about Ruter's vision for automated mobility, what our roadmap going forward looks like, and how interested parties can take part in our movement to make shared, automated mobility part of everyday life.


  • 08:30 - Registration
  • 09:00 - Welcome
  • 09:10 - The why: Why are we piloting automated mobility?
  • 09:20 - Introducing AUTOPIA and partners
  • 09:30 - Summary of operations in Ski, Ruter


  • 09:45 - Market availability analysis, Holo
  • 10:00 - Site/vehicle matching process, Ruter
  • 10:15 - Break, 15 mins
  • 10:30 - Methodology for route risk assessment, Holo
  • 10:45 - Approvals of autonomous pilot projects in the Nordics, Holo


  • 11:00 - Video observations in Ski/Hebekk, TØI
  • 11:15 - Winter weather operation, Sensible 4
  • 11:30 - Issues with snow and plowing, Sensible 4
  • 11:45 - Human actions tracking, Holo
  • 12:00 - Lunch break, 45 mins


  • 12:45 - PUDOS, Sweco
  • 13:00 - Actibump smart speed bump, Edeva

User insights

  • 13:15 - Accessibility solutions for automated vehicles, Ruter
  • 13:30 - Results from interviews, Cicero
  • 13:45 - Results from surveys, TØI
  • 14:00 - Break, 15 mins
  • 14:15 - Automaas, TØI
  • 14:30 - Transport system functionality, Norwegian Public Roads Administration
    • 14:45 - Comments and questions
    • 15:05 - 30.000 vehicles next - Will you be a part of it?
    • 15:30 - End of conference

    The conference will be streamed via Teams for digital attendees. Click here to join: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTUyYjI5MDQtOGRlYy00YTg0LWE1ODAtZDcyZmQwN2ZlMTQ4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220131ed00-c7f6-4603-86fb-fbbb3b259bce%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226370f807-69c6-474c-83e3-d21586e57f35%22%7d

    Register for the event

    Click here to register for the event - Please register no later than 22 August.

    We look forward to meeting you at the conference! 

    Feel free to contact us at selvkjorende@ruter.no if you have any questions in advance.




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    Ruter AS

    Dronningens g. 40
    1030 Sentrum Oslo