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The NSB-Group chooses Renault ZOE

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The NSB-Group chooses Renault ZOE

It will be impossible not to notice the 250 electric ZOEs in the city of Oslo, in the near future.The Managing Director of Renault Norway, Nils-Henrik Holmen, says that he was very delighted when it was made official that NSB had chosen Renault ZOE in such a competitive electric car market.

- We are very proud of the fact that the NSB Group has chosen Renault ZOE for their new car sharing project in Oslo.

The agreement is not only one of the biggest fleet agreements ever signed for Renault Norway, but it also has a symbolic value in terms of being involved in one of the most important electric Car Sharing projects in Oslo for the next years, Holmen says.

- These kinds of agreements are important for Renault as a leader for the EV market in Europe and confirm that Renault aims to be the leader in terms of offering electric transport solutions for the private, professional and public transportation. This strategy is already revealed by the concept cars Symbioz, EZ-GO, EZ-PRO and EZ-ULTIMO, Holmen continues.

NSB has signed a franchise agreement with the Danish company GreenMobility, that already offers a similar car sharing service in Copenhagen, with 400 city cars, also Renault ZOEs.


After registration, the customer will get an overview of where there are available ZOEs in the city.

The customer can then pick up the nearest car, unlock it with theapp, and drive. The car can be parked anywhere inside a defined “parking area” when the drive is finished.

In Oslo, the “parking area” will most likely be inside Ring 3 in addition to some selected areas further from the city center.

There will be some “hotspots” which are reserved parking areas with charging spots in different places in the city.
In addition, the customer will be allowed to park in public parking spots where there is no time limit.
The rent of the electric ZOE will be based on the minutes driven, alternatively per day or 20 hours per month.

The NSB Group company, Nettbuss, will be responsible for deployment, and they will move, recharge and wash the cars.

The agreement is a result of the NSB Group’s commitment on electric mobility and on last mile transportation.

- We look forward to giving Oslo’s residents a completely new offer! We hope it will solve some of the transport challenges the capital has, says Synne Homble, CEO Mobility and strategy at NSB Group.

- Our choice of car was based on several criteria as for instance long range, spaciousness, and a feeling of high quality. The fact that ZOE already has shown its liability by being used in Car Sharing in Copenhagen is certainly not a disadvantage, Homble says.

GreenMobility has saved 650 tons CO2 in Copenhagen since the startup with its electric carpark, consisting of 400 Renault ZOEs.

- It is great that we got Norway and NSB to join us. We believe that the demand of sustainable cars in the cities will continue to increase in Europe. Urbanization, the green change, the shared economy, and new technologies are giving us the possibility to travel in another way, says Toben Andersen, Managing Director at GreenMobility.



Om Renault Norge

Motor Gruppen overtok 1. september 2010 importen av Renaultbiler og deler fra Renault Nordic. Motor Gruppen var fra tidligere importør av Mitsubishi samt eier av en rekke forhandlere, først og fremst i de store byene. Renault selges nå i 15 av Motor Gruppens egen-eide forhandlere (Motor Forum) samt hos en rekke frittstående forhandlere.

Totalt sett finner du autoriserte Renaultforhandlere på nesten 50 steder i Norge og flere vil komme til etter hvert.
RBI (Renault Bil Import) Norge AS er selskapet som er ansvarlige for salg og markedsføring av både Renault og Dacia i Norge.


Nils-Henrik Holmen

Nils-Henrik Holmen

Pressekontakt Adm. direktør +47 99 09 85 20
Roger Andersen

Roger Andersen

Pressekontakt PR & Markedsdirektør 957 01 556

Velkommen til RBI Norge AS - Renault & Dacia Norge !

Motor Gruppen overtok 1. september 2010 importen av Renaultbiler og deler fra Renault Nordic. Senere er også Dacia kommet inn i porteføljen. Renault og Dacia selges via Motor Gruppens egeneide forhandlerkjede (Motor Forum), samt hos en rekke frittstående forhandlere.

Totalt sett finner du autoriserte Renault-og Daciaforhandlere på over 40 steder i Norge.
RBI (Renault Bil Import) Norge AS er selskapet som er ansvarlige for salg og markedsføringen av begge merkene.

RBI Norge AS - Renault & Dacia Norge

Østre Aker vei 62
0581 Oslo