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Fra venstre til højre: Esbjergs borgmester, Jesper Frost Rasmussen, fabriksdirektør Lars H. Kristensen og Marianne Bigum, medlem af Folketinget

ReSource Denmark er nu officielt åbnet: Et skridt i den rigtige retning for bæredygtigheden

I dag blev Esbjerg hjemsted for Danmarks største og mest teknologisk avancerede anlæg til sortering af plastaffald, da ReSource Denmark officielt åbnede dørene. Det topmoderne anlæg sætter ny standard for innovation og bæredygtighed inden for håndtering af plastaffald.
Ved åbningsceremonien klippede Esbjergs borgmester, Jesper Frost Rasmussen, og Marianne Bigum, medlem af Folketinget (SF), samm

Viridor takes full ownership of Quantafuel AS as it delists from Oslo Stock Exchange

Viridor takes full ownership of Quantafuel AS as it delists from Oslo Stock Exchange

Viridor has assumed full ownership of Quantafuel as the Oslo Stock Exchange delisted Quantafuel AS’ shares from Euronext Growth on 7th February. This marks a significant moment as the company transitions into a new era under Viridor's complete ownership.
Lee Hodder, Managing Director of Viridor Polymers said: "This occasion signifies the beginning of an exciting new chapter. Quantafuel's integr

ReSource Denmark når to milepæle: Første sending plastaffald nogensinde modtaget og kold opstart skudt i gang

ReSource Denmark når to milepæle: Første sending plastaffald nogensinde modtaget og kold opstart skudt i gang

Det første parti plastaffald er modtaget på ReSource Denmarks anlæg i Esbjerg, og det markerer en milepæl i anlæggets historie. Samtidig har værkets systemer netop gennemført en kold opstart – en afgørende fase, hvor de avancerede maskiner og systemer sættes i gang for at sikre gnidningsfri drift, før den faktiske behandling af plastaffald begynder
Fabrikschef Lars H. Kristensen er begejstret o

Fabriksdirektør Lars H. Kristensen

ReSource Denmark: I 2024 starter en ny æra for plastsortering i Danmark

Det største plastsorteringsanlæg i Danmark, som åbner i Esbjerg i begyndelsen af 2024, er godt på vej. Anlægget bliver starten på en helt ny æra for plastsortering og genanvendelse i Danmark, fordi plastaffaldet ikke længere behøver sendes til udlandet.
ReSource Denmarks hovedbygning er 173 meter i længden, 40 meter i bredden og 20 meter i højden, og den fyldes hver dag med stadig mere højtekn

Viridor becomes majority shareholder in Quantafuel AS in successful acquisition

Viridor becomes majority shareholder in Quantafuel AS in successful acquisition

A new Quantafuel Board has been formed and is now headed by Viridor’s CEO and CFO The c. £90m acquisition offered in February of this year, is a key part of Viridor’s commitment to achieve complete plastic circularity by 2025 Quantafuel’s Plastics-to-Liquids (PtL) pyrolysis technology transforms hard-to-recycle polymers back to its base molecules for new plastics production, replacing fossil b

Quantafuel's CEO Lars Rosenløv encourages remaining shareholders to accept Viridor’s offer

Quantafuel will welcome Viridor as controlling shareholder following the decision by Viridor to acquire close to 80% of the shares in Quantafuel already committed by accepting shareholders. All conditions for the offer are met or waived and steps are now being taken to delist the company. The offer from Viridor remains open for shareholders who still haven’t accepted until Friday 28th April. Fol

Quantafuel concludes its strategic review with proposed acquisition by Viridor

Quantafuel concludes its strategic review with proposed acquisition by Viridor

The UK-based recycling and waste management company Viridor today announced a formal offer to acquire all of Quantafuel’s outstanding shares for NOK 1.058million (NOK 6.38 per share).
As announced in October, Quantafuel has conducted a broad process to secure a fundament for growth through a long-term financing solution in preparation of the large-scale roll-out of the next generation Plastic-

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Quantafuel upgrades plastic waste into valuable products that are in high demand.
The entire value chain is circular. Quantafuel aims to rapidly build up production capacity on a global scale and to have a meaningful impact on one of our time's most pressing environmental challenges.


Quantafuel ASA, Lilleakerveien 2C
0283 Oslo