Pressemelding -

Changes in the service organization of Philips Imaging Systems in Finland

Vantaa, Finland

Philips will purchase the service operations related to the Philips imaging equipment from Mediq effective 1st April in 2015. All employees in the Mediq Customer Service organization working with Philips Imaging Systems will be offered to join the new Philips Customer Service organization.

This investment further underlines Philips’ commitment to the health care markets in Finland. Philips Healthcare has had a direct sales, marketing and service organization in Finland since the year 2000 and Philips itself has been responsible for the sale of the imaging equipment since April 2014. In addition, Philips’ magnetic therapeutic equipment product development and manufacturing unit is operating in Finland.

The objective of this changed setup of the service operations related to Philips’ imaging equipment is to offer a more seamless flow of information directly from the manufacturer to the customer and the other way around as well as to further enhance service value propositions in the area of pro-active service. We will strive to implement the changes in the service organization with minimum disruption securing that customers will continue to find customer service and support of a very high quality.

With the transfer of the service operation to Philips, the service agreements of the customers are also transferred from Mediq to Philips. The transfer of the agreement will not require any action by the customers. We will be contacting each customer separately.

Mediq will continue to provide the service for Philips’ imaging equipment as normal until the enforcement of the sale. There will be separate information as regards new contact information or other possible changes in the operations during the first quarter of the year 2015.

Please contact the undersigned for any further information relating to the matter.

Mediq Suomi Oy

Ilari Vaalavirta, Toimitusjohtaja
Phone: 020 112 1600


  • Entreprenørskap


  • healthcare
  • acquisition
  • mediq
  • imaging systems
  • philips healthcare

Om Royal Philips

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) er et allsidig selskap som tilbyr et bredt spekter av helse- og velværeprodukter. Vi ønsker å gi kundene våre en bedre hverdag gjennom nyttige nyskapinger på områdene Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and Lighting. Philips, som har hovedkontor i Nederland, omsatte for 23,3 milliarder euro i 2013 og har om lag 115 000 medarbeidere som jobber med salg og tjenester i over hundre land. Selskapet er ledende innenfor kardiologi, pasientovervåking og hjemmebehandling, energieffektive belysningsløsninger og nye belysningstyper, barbering og egenpleie for menn samt munn- og tannpleie. Du kan lese siste nytt fra Philips på


Jarno Eskelinen, Toimitusjohtaja

0400 322 870

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