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The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting Royal exhibition in Oslo

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The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting Royal exhibition in Oslo

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting the exhibition Royal Journeys 1905-2005 together with Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja Thursday 22 March at the National Museum as part of the official visit from the United Kingdom.

-We are looking forward to welcoming Their Royal Highnesses and The King and Queen of Norway to the National Museum and to showing them the exhibition Royal Journeys 1905-2005, which highlights the long running close family ties between the two Royal families, says Audun Eckhoff, director of The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design of Norway.

The Oslo exhibition Royal Journeys 1905-2005 showcases the Norwegian Royal House's most important journeys in the period 1905-2005 and is the largest exhibition ever made on the basis of the royal collections. The exhibition marks the start of the exhibition series The Royal Journey, which is the Norwegian government’s gift to Their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja for their 75th birthdays in 2012.

The gift consists of six exhibitions featuring treasures from the royal collections of art, cultural artifacts and photographs that are now being publicly exhibited for the first time.

The six exhibitions feature a variety of themes, all dealing with royal journeys, whether understood metaphorically or literally, through selected objects and archive material.

Four major exhibitions will be held in respectively Oslo and Bergen in 2012 and in Tromsø and Trondheim in 2013. In addition, two touring exhibitions will be produced through the National Museum’s nationwide programme. The touring exhibitions will be offered to schools as well as to galleries and museums. They will start in autumn 2012 and will tour until 2014.

The exhibition in Oslo showcases gifts exchanged on State visits, representing the ultimate of crafts and decorative arts are on display together: elegant gowns and uniforms, splendid jewelry and decorations, exclusive suitcases, hatboxes, toiletries bags and official decorations.

Exhibition highlights include the gala carriage that was made for the coronation of King Haakon VII and Queen Maud in 1906, Crown Prince Olav’s toy Cadillac from 1912, given to him by his grandmother Queen Alexandra of England as well as Queen Maud’s personal photo albums.

The exhibition is curated by Widar Halén, Director of Design and Decorative Arts, the National Museum, and Nina Høye from The Royal Court.


Widar Halén, Director of Design and Decorative Arts

+47 2198 2116 / +47 41 29 18 49 / widar.halen@nasjonalmuseet.no

Jean-Yves Gallardo, Director of Communications
+47 21 98 22 42 / +47 99 28 96 29 / jean-yves.gallardo@nasjonalmuseet.no

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