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Good luck, Bloodhound!

Nammo has been working with the British Bloodhound-project for several years, and last month I had a chance to go see them at their headquarters outside Bristol. Monday they announced that they will be performing their first public test run of the car at an airport in Cornwall. For this initial round, the car will not be using the Nammo rockets, and there are two reasons for that. First, we still have some work to do to adapt the rockets for the car, and the second one is that the runway they will be driving at is only 2.7 km long, and they will be running on rubber tires from an old fighter jet, which means their projected top speed is set to about 200 miles per hour - well below rocket speed. In its final configuration, our rockets will be the ones taking the car from 600 miles per hour, to its top speed of 1000. So if you wanted to use the rockets, you would need quite a lot more runway (or wings...) Still, it is going to be an important milestone for the project, and we wish them the best of luck - it is sure to be an impressive sight!

Meanwhile, the development of the Nammo rockets that will eventually power the car is progressing. We recently completed our first test campaign of the flight weight version, and you can see a video from that test at the bottom of this article. Also, if you would like to read more about Nammo's hybrid rocket motor technology, you can do so by clicking either here, or on the link below.


  • Technology, general


Endre Lunde

Press contact Senior Vice President, Communications +4790853270

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