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Pressemelding -



Place: Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway

Time: 8 May 10:00 am

Be prepared for the art event of the year in 2015! These two great artists will compete for the first time together in a dual exhibition based on a collaboration between two of the world's leading monographic museums; the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and the Munch Museum.

The exhibition Van Gogh+Munch will for the first time explore the similarities and connections between these two artists; those that immediately jump out at you as well as those that exist on a deeper level. Rather than uncritically accepting established perceptions, the exhibition will take a closer look at their artistic point of departure, the influences they were exposed to, the development in style and technique and what artistic goals they set for themselves, and in this way create a deeper understanding of why these artists are so often compared to each other.

The exhibition will encompass approximately 75 paintings and 30 works on paper, including about ten comparative works by other artists. Both museums will contribute a discerning selection of major works for the exhibition, complemented by important loans from other museums and private collectors such as Edvard Munchs The Sick Child, The Scream and Starry Night and Van Goghs Wheatfield with Reaper, The Potato Eaters and Starry Night over the Rhône.

Van Gogh+Munchis the result of a long-term collaborative project between the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and the Munch Museum in Oslo. The two institutions administer, research and present the most important and largest collections in the world of works by Van Gogh and Munch respectively.

Van Gogh+Munch will open 9 May until 6 September. The exhibition will then be on view at the Van Gogh Museum 24 September.

Curators: Magne Bruteig, Munch Museum, Maite van Dijk, Van Gogh Museum, Leo Jansson, Van Gogh Museum

For more information and registration:

Communication Director Gitte Skilbred

E-mail: gitte.skilbred@munchmuseet.no Phone:+47 970 57 819

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Edvard Munchs kunst er Norges viktigste bidrag til verdens kunsthistorie. Som forvalter av majoriteten av Munchs arbeider, har Munchmuseet et unikt utgangspunkt som kunst- og kulturformidler i nasjonal og internasjonal sammenheng. Munchmuseet inkluderer også Stenersen-samlingen.

Museets oppgave er å forvalte samlingene gjennom bevaring, forskning og formidling.


Maren Lindeberg

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsrådgiver Presseansvarlig +47 45802648

Selena Sefany

Pressekontakt Senior Communications Advisor +4794280229

Edvard Munch - Norges viktigste bidrag til verdens kunsthistorie

22.oktober 2021 åpnet det nye MUNCH ved Oslos sjøkant, skreddersydd for store kunstopplevelser. Her kan du oppleve mer av Munch enn noen ganger før – på helt nye måter. Det nye museet tilbyr kunst og kultur i 13 etasjer, og skal inspirere alle til å komme tett på Munchs liv og kunst


Edvard Munchs plass 1
0194 Oslo

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