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The two companies cooperate on marine survey methods and technology, and have invested in an Hugin AUV. Photo: Kongsberg Maritime.
The two companies cooperate on marine survey methods and technology, and have invested in an Hugin AUV. Photo: Kongsberg Maritime.

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Multiconsult and Argeo cooperate on marine survey methods and technology

Multiconsult and Argeo have entered into a strategic cooperation to significantly improve quality marine surveys and increase construction insight of the seabed conditions for large coastal development projects and offshore structures. The two parties have also invested in a Hugin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.

The objective for the cooperation is to deliver a digital 3D-model that can follow the life cycle of any ocean space project. This applies from early-stage development, during operation and to decommissioning and removal, and will result in a significant cost reduction and environmental impact.

The largest benefits will be for construction of offshore wind installations, the aquaculture industry, major coastal infrastructure as well as oil & gas facilities and equipment. A Hugin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and associated systems developed by Kongsberg Maritime Robotics has been purchased to help achieve these goals. This is a small autonomous submarine (robot) that can be used for underwater missions. With exceptional electrical range and data resolution from 2-4 cm and can be used at great depths. The vessel will be operated by Argeo.

Reduces risk and costs
The companies' joint digital ocean space initiative will provide new and unique insights into the early phase of project development and enable reduction in project risk, costs and environmental impact. In addition, the cooperation aims to provide integrated products on mapping and surveys that will minimize project risk related to uncertainty. The cooperation also includes the development of autonomous solutions for the collection of seabed habitat and environmental data.

"Multiconsult has been conducting ground surveys in coastal waters for many years. We have 20 years of experience with year-round operations of drilling boats along the entire Norwegian Coast, positioned with both mooring systems and Dynamic Positioning. The new cooperation with Argeo allows us to offer mapping and surveys of large seabed areas and establish physical models in 3D that meet the needs of our industry for complete digital modelling," says Leif Olav Bogen, Executive Vice President of Multiconsult.

By using seismic surveys and seabed scanning, the two companies can offer complete products that will improve the choice of solutions and in managing the biggest risk factors in large projects.

"This agreement represents yet another important phase in the development of Argeo as a leading ocean space company with a focus on robotics and digital products. In addition to service deliveries and product development together with Multiconsult, we ensure permanent access to our first autonomous subsea system (AUV) to be used in conjunction with our advanced autonomous mapping and inspection concept – Digital Ocean Space," says CEO Trond Figenschou Crantz of Argeo.

The parties see great synergies between Argeos's offshore and seismic expertise, with Multiconsult's special expertise in coastal infrastructure and special expertise in basic research, geoengineering and physical environment for coastal infrastructure. The companies have an ongoing cooperation on some projects and the experience of the commissions that have been completed indicates that through further product development and integration, significant gains can be made for the clients.

The new offer will be marketed as a service from both companies.


For further information contact:
Executive Vice President Leif Olav Bogen at Multiconsult, mobile:+ 47 905 56 735
CEO Trond Figenschou Crantz at Argeo, mobile:+ 47 976 37 273, website:http://www.argeo.no


Multiconsult is Norway's largest player in geotechnical engineering and consulting and conducts geotechnical ground surveys with 17 drilling rigs and 3 drilling boats. Two of the boats are stationed in Tromsø and are purpose-built for geotechnical ground surveys in coastal waters.

Argeo aims to transform ocean space mapping and the inspection industry through robotics, sensor and imaging technology. This provides a significant increase in data accuracy, detail and collection efficiency, as well as a significantly reduced CO2 footprint. Argeo's markets are in infrastructure, offshore wind, oil & gas inspection as well as deepwater mineral exploration. Argeo has offices in Asker and Tromsø.


Cato A. Mørk

Cato A. Mørk

Pressekontakt Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver +47 924 55 663

Velkommen til Multiconsult!

Multiconsult er et norsk kraftsenter med internasjonalt nedslagsfelt innen prosjektering, arkitektur og rådgivning. Gjennom et 30-talls kontorer i Norge og internasjonalt benytter vi 100 års erfaring til å skape ny historie. For oss handler muliggjøring om erfaring, rett kompetanse og riktig kompetansesammensetning blant våre 3000 medarbeidere.

Attraktivitetsundersøkelser viser at Multiconsult rangeres som en av Norges mest attraktive arbeidsgiver blant teknologer. Vi oppfordrer både medarbeidere og kunder til å se muligheter der andre ser hindringer, og sprenge grenser der andre kan bli fristet til å gå rundt.

Multiconsult har målsetning om at hver enkelt medarbeider skal få ut det beste i seg selv, både faglig og menneskelig. Vi legger til rette for den enkeltes utvikling, blant annet gjennom målrettet kompetanseutvikling, kurs og videreutdanningsveier, permisjoner og støtte til doktorgrader. Multiconsult tilbyr utviklingsmuligheter innen både fag og ledelse.

Med en stadig økende omsetting internasjonalt har selskapet de siste årene etablert flere nye internasjonale kontorer. Multiconsult-gruppen har i dag egne kontorer i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, England, Polen, Tanzania og Uganda.

Vi opererer innenfor fire forretningsområder: Bygg & Eiendom, Energi & Industri, Mobilitet & Samferdsel og Vann & Miljø.


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0276 Oslo