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Khone Falls in Lao PDR.
Khone Falls in Lao PDR.

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Milestone project in renewable energy

Multiconsult, Deltares and Lao Consulting Group to Lead Milestone Assessment in Sekong River Basin with IFC.

Norway’s Multiconsult together with Deltares and Lao Consulting group are working with International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to lead an assessment on Lao PDR’s southern Sekong River Basin that will help decision makers and private sector better understand the cumulative impacts of renewable energy project development in areas where multiple projects are planned.

Cumulative impact assessments
Team Lead Leif Lillehammer, Multiconsult, says:

“Sekong is one of the most important tributaries to the Mekong, forming together with the Sesan and Srepok, commonly known as the 3S system in the Lower Mekong. Our work will pioneer cumulative impact assessments in Lao PDR; Multiconsult is looking forward to presenting a study that achieves a balance between development and environmental sustainability.”

Multiconsult and partners will examine various hydropower and renewable energy scenarios for the Sekong basin and assess its overall cumulative impacts on the environment, livelihoods and economy. The study will also provide recommendations for future sustainable hydropower and renewable energy development on the Sekong, including plans and measures to avoid-minimize-compensate the cumulative impacts.

Lower environmental and social risks
Kate Lazarus, IFC Environmental and Social Hydropower Advisory Team Lead, says:

“IFC is rolling out cumulative impact assessments across the Asia region and in Lao PDR, we have a unique opportunity to build greater understanding of CIA concepts and help improve planning in the Sekong River Basin. The Sekong is home to important aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity that will be affected by development. Once completed, the CIA will present power scenarios that will help lower environmental and social risks associated with planned development.”

The assessment is planned over the next ten months and will provide on-the-ground input for improving the Lao PDR draft Cumulative Impact Assessment Guidelines, another initiative led by IFC. Since 2013 IFC has been working with the Government of Lao PDR and the private sector to help advance environmental and social sustainability. With support from the Australian Government, IFC has led the development of several guidelines and policies for the hydropower sector. However, the CIA in the Sekong will include other renewable energies, such as wind and solar, as this basin has the potential to develop clean and sustainable resources.

Leif Lillehammer adds:

“This pilot project with IFC helps us to be in the forefront internationally with regards to putting principles for sustainable water resource management and hydropower planning in practice, making us both proud and humble at the same time.”

For more information:
Team Lead Leif Lillehammer, Multiconsult – (+47) 415 09 688



Multiconsult is a leading Norwegian multidisciplinary engineering consulting company, with more than 2 850 employees and 45 offices in Norway and abroad. The Company focuses on six business areas: Buildings & Properties, Transport, Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas, Industry and Water & Environment. The Company has an operating history that spans more than a century, with the inception of Norsk Vandbygningskontor in 1908.


Cato A. Mørk

Cato A. Mørk

Pressekontakt Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver +47 924 55 663
Gaute Christensen

Gaute Christensen

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsleder 911 70 188

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