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The energy central in Sandefjord after the fire.
The energy central in Sandefjord after the fire.

Pressemelding -

The fire at Jotun 15th of September 2021

Wednesday 15th of September there was a fire at an energy central in connection with Jotun’s binder factory close to the Group headquarters in Sandefjord, Norway. No one was severely injured.

The fire started around 3 PM in the energy central supplying the binder factory. All employees were quickly evacuated. Fire and Rescue teams arrived shortly after. Only two minor injuries are reported.

The fire was under control after approximately two hours.

“The safety of our employees is our highest priority in such a situation. We are relieved that neither our employees nor members of the Fire and Rescue teams sustained serious injury from the incident”, states Jotun Group Communications Director Christian Espolin Johnson. “Feedback from police and fire department is that evacuation ran smoothly”, he says.

A safety zone of 500 meters around the site was quickly established due to the smoke caused by the fire. As a precaution, lenses were deployed in the surrounding waters.

The fire did not spread further, neither to the binder factory nor to any surrounding buildings.

“At the moment, we do not expect the incident to have significant impact on short term deliveries”, Espolin Johnson continues.

In accordance with internal routines, Jotun has begun an investigation of the incident.

“A commission of inquiry from the Jotun Group has been established to investigate the incident and to understand how this can be prevented in the future”, he comments.


Jotun er markedsleder innen dekorative malinger i Norge, og en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker med 67 selskaper og 38 produksjonsanlegg på alle kontinent. Jotuns produkter er tilgjengelig i mer enn 100 land gjennom egne selskaper, felleskontollerte selskaper, avdelingskontorer, agenter og distributører. Jotun hadde i 2019 en omsetning på NOK 19,7 milliarder, og konsernet har mer enn 9 800 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert i fire ulike segmenter og sju geografiske regioner, og har sitt hovedkontor i Sandefjord.


Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Pressekontakt Group Communications Director +4795747495
Henrik Sandvik

Henrik Sandvik

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager 99023031
Kari-Ellen Liverød

Kari-Ellen Liverød

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager +47 414 64 045
 Siri Moldestad Sanna

Siri Moldestad Sanna

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager (Press inquiries Marine and Protective Coatings) +47 901 32 780

Til kjente landemerker og ditt hjem

Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 68 selskaper og 41 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.

Jotun Group

Hystadveien 167
3202 Sandefjord