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President and CEO Morten Fon, Jotun. Photo: Morten Rakke
President and CEO Morten Fon, Jotun. Photo: Morten Rakke

Pressemelding -

Record year for Jotun

(Sandefjord, February 13th 2024): 2023 was the best year ever for Jotun. Despite global challenges and conflicts, the paints and coatings manufacturer maintains its growth and investment plans.

Jotun achieved record sales and earnings in 2023. Operating revenue was NOK 31 861 million, up 14 per cent from the year before, after all-time high sales in all segments. The sales growth was driven by increased volume and prices, as well as positive mix effects. Operating profit was NOK 6 430 million, which was up 72 per cent from 2022. Easing raw material prices and good cost control were among the main contributors.

“2023 was a very good year for Jotun. We increased sales and profitability in all segments, gained market shares and are very satisfied with the financial development”, says President and CEO Morten Fon.


Jotun continued to invest in production capacity and R&D facilities during 2023. Total investments amounted to NOK 1 374 million, slightly above the investment levels in 2022. This continues in 2024. Planned or ongoing investment projects include a new factory in Egypt, a factory expansion in Indonesia, a new regional R&D centre in Malaysia and facility upgrade in Norway.

“One of the strategic pillars in Jotun is taking advantage of opportunities when we see them. Investing for the future is important for us, and we will continue our organic growth journey”, says Fon.


Jotun has started 2024 with good momentum and expectations of continued growth, albeit at a more modest rate than previous years. High market activity and good cost control will continue to support solid financial performance. While the company’s overall outlook is positive, significant uncertainties persist around us.

“Globally, we see lower growth forecasts, increased geopolitical tensions, wars and conflicts. However, Jotun is well-positioned for further profitable growth, and we maintain our long-term strategy and investment plans”, says Fon.

Key financials

(NOK mill)




Operating revenue

31 861

27 858

14 %

Operating profit

6 430

3 737

72 %

Profit before tax

5 879

3 191

84 %


Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 66 selskaper og 40 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og inndelt i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.


Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Pressekontakt Group Communications Director +4795747495
Henrik Sandvik

Henrik Sandvik

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager 99023031
Kari-Ellen Liverød

Kari-Ellen Liverød

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager +47 414 64 045
 Siri Moldestad Sanna

Siri Moldestad Sanna

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager (Press inquiries Marine and Protective Coatings) +47 901 32 780

Til kjente landemerker og ditt hjem

Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 66 selskaper og 40 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og inndelt i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.

Jotun Group

Hystadveien 167
3202 Sandefjord