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The factory in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo: Jotun
The factory in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo: Jotun

Pressemelding -

Jotun has decided to exit Russia

(Sandefjord / August 2nd 2022): Jotun has sold its interests in Russia and leaves the country. The employees will keep their jobs in the company under a new owner.

Following the closure of the factory in Russia March 3rd, Jotun has divested its shares in its wholly owned subsidiary company “Jotun Paints” LLC. As of August 2nd the Russian industrial company Atomstroykomplex takes over the operation, employees and assets.

“We have worked to find a solution for our operations in Russia since late February. It has become more and more challenging to operate in the country under the sanction regimes and we realise that the situation will not change in the near future. Our employees have been our main priority, and several options have been evaluated over the last few months. We regret that the conclusion was to sell the company. We believe we have found a good solution for our employees under the ownership of Atomstroykomplex”, says President and CEO Morten Fon.

Jotun has been present in Russia since 1989 and has had its own production facilities since 2017. At end of year 2021 the company had activities in all major parts of the country with a staff of more than 300 people. Current employees will keep their positions on existing agreements and terms with the new owner. Brands, intellectual property and technology are not part of the transaction.

The transaction price will not be disclosed.

About Atomstroykomplex:

Atomstroykomplex is a leading real estate development and building materials company based in Yekaterinburg in the Ural Federal District. Atomstroykomplex entered the market in 1995 and consists of construction companies, building materials production plants, a fleet of up-to-date road-building vehicles and machinery, design offices, real estate agency and housing maintenance office.

The core operations include construction of industrial, commercial, housing and socially significant facilities, performance of general civil construction, specialty contractor works and road works. The company provides general contracting and engineering services for the construction industry in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region.

The inclusion of a paint company in its conglomerate portfolio is seen as a good strategic fit and Atomstroykomplex expects the facility and its employees will contribute to further growth and a positive long-term development for owners and employees alike.


For further information:

Morten Fon, President & CEO, mobile +47 909 19 822, morten.fon@jotun.no

Christian Espolin Johnson, Group Communications Director, mobile +47 976 45 494, christian.espolin.johnson@jotun.no


Jotun er markedsleder innen dekorative malinger i Norge, og en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker med 67 selskaper og 39 produksjonsanlegg på alle kontinenter. Jotuns produkter er tilgjengelig i mer enn 100 land gjennom egne selskaper, felleskontollerte selskaper, avdelingskontorer, agenter og distributører. Selskapet hadde i 2021 en omsetning på NOK 22,8 milliarder, og ved inngangen til 2022 har konsernet mer enn 10 200 medarbeidere. Jotun er organisert i fire ulike segmenter og sju geografiske regioner, og har sitt hovedkontor i Sandefjord.


Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Pressekontakt Group Communications Director +4795747495
Henrik Sandvik

Henrik Sandvik

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager 99023031
Kari-Ellen Liverød

Kari-Ellen Liverød

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager +47 414 64 045
 Siri Moldestad Sanna

Siri Moldestad Sanna

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager (Press inquiries Marine and Protective Coatings) +47 901 32 780

Til kjente landemerker og ditt hjem

Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 66 selskaper og 40 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og inndelt i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.

Jotun Group

Hystadveien 167
3202 Sandefjord