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Increased sales, but earnings decline for Jotun

Pressemelding -

Increased sales, but earnings decline for Jotun

(Sandefjord, October 2, 2017) The Jotun Group recorded sales of NOK 11,048 million during the first eight months of the year. Results are impacted by weak demand in shipbuilding and the offshore industry.

Despite a nine per cent increase in volume, price pressure and currency effects caused Jotun’s revenue to rise by only one per cent compared with the same period last year. Growth in the Decorative Paints segment is offset by weak demand for Jotun coatings in the maritime and offshore industries. CEO Morten Fon notes that low oil prices have slowed development in the offshore industry, while tonnage overcapacity in shipping has depressed newbuilding orders, especially at shipyards in North East Asia.

“These conditions have persisted for some time, and we do not expect to see significant improvement in the short term," he says. “However, demand for our maintenance products for both ships and land-based industry has seen growth. We are also satisfied with good results in the Decorative Paints segment, especially in Southeast Asia."

Rising raw material prices affect earnings

The Group's operating profit was NOK 1,291 million, compared to 1,716 million same period last year. The decline is primarily due to higher raw material prices, as well as lower average selling prices in some markets. In addition, the Norwegian krone has strengthened against the US dollar, impacting the result. “We are experiencing a demanding situation with increasing raw material prices and price pressure, which is significantly impacting Jotun’s operating profit,” says Fon.

Good growth in decorative paints

The decorative paints segment continues to perform well, recording positive results in most regions. Growth was particularly strong in South East Asia, led by Indonesia and Vietnam. Over the past years, Jotun has emerged as a leading global trendsetter in colour and design. Recently, the company launched Global Colour Trends 2018, a series of carefully selected colour schemes to inspire designers, architects and consumers all over the world. Jotun has also developed innovative digital solutions to help users simplify colour selection.

“Jotun’s remarkable success in the Decorative Paints segment has helped offset declines in other segments and markets,” says Fon. “We anticipate our growth trend in the Decorative Paints will continue.”

Investing for future growth:

Jotun has invested NOK 607 million as of 31 August, consistent with previous spending levels. This represents five per cent of operating revenue and is in line with the company’s strategic ambitions. The largest investments are related to the construction of a new headquarters and R&D centre in Norway, as well as new factories in Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines.

Highlights so far in 2017:

  • Stable sales
  • Lower profitability due to rising commodity prices and significant price pressure
  • Significant investments in Norway, Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines continue

  • Financial key figures (NOK million) T1 + T2 2017 T1 + T2 2016 Change
    Operating income 11,048 10,917 +1%
    Operating profit 1 291 1 716 -25%
    Profit before tax 1,238 1,652 -25%

    Jotun er markedsleder innen dekorative malinger i Norge, og en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker med 63 selskaper og 38 produksjonsanlegg på alle kontinent. Jotuns produkter er tilgjengelig i mer enn 100 land gjennom egne selskaper, felleskontollerte selskaper, avdelingskontorer, agenter og distributører. Jotun hadde i 2016 en omsetning på NOK 15,8 milliarder, og har mer enn 9 800 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert i fire ulike segmenter og sju geografiske regioner, og har sitt hovedkontor i Sandefjord.


    Morten Fon

    Morten Fon

    President and CEO +47 909 19 822

    Til kjente landemerker og ditt hjem

    Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 66 selskaper og 40 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og inndelt i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.

    Jotun Group

    Hystadveien 167
    3202 Sandefjord