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The word 'peachy' is used about having a good time or to describe something nice , as well as to describe fresh tones. A perfect name for our beautiful and playful peach colour!
The word 'peachy' is used about having a good time or to describe something nice , as well as to describe fresh tones. A perfect name for our beautiful and playful peach colour!

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The Great Name Quest

Dusky Peach. Slate Lavender. Northern Mystic. Evening Green. Have you ever wondered how all the beautiful Jotun colours get their names?

Scandinavian Colour Manager, Nina Klæboe Mørkve, launches a whole host of new colour names every year, and her inspiration can come whenever and wherever.

“I can sense something in a word, a description or an expression – whether it be in a text I’m reading, music I’m listening to, or from something that catches my attention on the way past. It could be something I see in nature, or experience in my travels. There are a lot of different angles to be found in the words and inspirations behind the Jotun colour names.

Nina Klæboe Mørkve, Scandinavian Colour Manager

Many things to take into account

All new colours are given English names and the names used must work in every country and region. Sometimes the colour needs a descriptive name, such as the muted beige Soothing Beige and the slightly darker hue Modern Beige, for example – names that convey a hint of mood and nuance.

”Sometimes, people are attracted as much to the name of the colour as to the colour itself, simply because the name conveys a good feeling or good associations”, says Nina, and says it happens that customers choose a certain colour, simply because of the name.

Each colour has its own identity

Although Nina’s creative brain is buzzing around the clock, there are no coincidences when it comes to the choice of colour names.

“Each colour needs to have its own identity. Is it a neutral colour? Is it best suited on large surfaces, or as an accent or contrast colour? Is it going to be around for any length of time? Trendy colours may have a more conspicuous name than those that tend to be more neutral”, she says.

“Take the colour Peachy, for example, one of those on the colour chart for 2019. Even in the name there is a hint of its being a golden, muted fresh tone, and that it’s fun and playful. In English, the word peachy is used about having a good time or to describe something nice, as well as to describe fresh tones. A perfect name for our beautiful and playful, peach colour, in other words!”

The beautiful, playful colour Peachy

Inspiration from others

Occasionally, she also discusses one or other name or word with friends and acquaintances. Often, what comes back is pure gold. Like the time her husband came home from a hunt.

“He described how the colours in the forest changed with the failing light – about the blue that went over into a soft blue-green. That gave us the colour Evening Green”, says Nina.

Wall: Evening Green


Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Øyvind Willumsen Haugå

Pressekontakt Group Communications Director +4795747495
Henrik Sandvik

Henrik Sandvik

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager 99023031
Kari-Ellen Liverød

Kari-Ellen Liverød

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager +47 414 64 045
 Siri Moldestad Sanna

Siri Moldestad Sanna

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager (Press inquiries Marine and Protective Coatings) +47 901 32 780

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Til kjente landemerker og ditt hjem

Jotun er en av verdens ledende produsenter av maling og pulverlakker, med 66 selskaper og 40 produksjonsanlegg globalt. I tillegg har Jotun salgskontorer, forhandlere og distributører i mer enn 100 land. Jotun hadde i 2023 en total omsetning på NOK 31,9 milliarder, og har i dag mer enn 10.300 medarbeidere. Konsernet er organisert med fire segmenter og inndelt i fem geografiske regioner. Hovedkontoret ligger i Sandefjord.

Jotun Group

Hystadveien 167
3202 Sandefjord