Pressemelding -

The Miracle Men - a new genre of stage production?

A new show attempts to re-define the concept of the magician - for today’s audiences.

Blurring the lines between illusions, psychological manipulation, and showmanship - it is expected it will be much more than just another magic show. Jon Ensor and Paul Martin have the premiere of their new show “The Miracle Men” on the 1st November at Edderkoppen Scene in Oslo.

Internationally there has been a huge wave of interest in magic stage productions in recent years, with international franchise show “The Illusionists” breaking box-office records, and in the UK dozens of competing acts have sprung up. Jon Ensor and Paul Martin, however, have a show which they believe is different;

“This show is not just another magic show. There are no elaborate illusions or magicians’ equipment - it’s a show which is much more about the two guys on stage, and what they are able to do. It is intimate and very real - and that is what makes it mind-blowing”.

Jon Ensor and Paul Martin have both been professional entertainers for many years, and first began working together eight years ago when Jon was just starting to work in Norway. At first their expertise was performing at small exclusive events, and performing mingling amongst guests at larger events. The Miracle Men concept arrived in early 2015 when Paul’s work with stand-up comedy and Jon’s work as a presenter had given them a taste for stage performing, and Paul explains that they were inspired to put together an act that was not confined by the established magic genre;

“Whenever we worked on our stage act we were running into the same magic clichés. Everything from the way a magic trick builds up to the type of humour in comedy magic. We were inspired by the raw simplicity of stand-up comedy, which stands or falls on the strength of the performance.”


  • Teater


  • oslo
  • stand-up
  • show
  • paul martin
  • jon ensor
  • derren brown
  • tankelesing
  • magiker
  • teater


  • Østfold

Jon Ensor er Engelsk illusjonist, foredragsholder, og konferansier.  Basert i Mjøndalen, Norge, han jobber internasjonalt.  Han har vært på Norsk TV ved flere anledninger.

Relaterte events

The Miracle Men - Jon Ensor og Paul Martin

Dato 1. november 2016 18:30 – 20:00

Sted Edderkoppen Scene