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Jotul Holdings S.A. – Approval of written procedure and amendments to the terms and conditions of the bonds

Jotul Holdings S.A. – Approval of written procedure and amendments to the terms and conditions of the bonds

Jotul Holdings S.A. (the "Company") today announces the successful completion of the written procedure that was initiated on 23 April 2020 in relation to the Company's outstanding up to NOK 400,000,000 senior secured bond loan with ISIN NO0010815749 2018/2022 (the "Bonds"), regarding certain waivers and amendments to the terms and conditions of the Bonds (the "Proposal").
A sufficient number of

Jotul Holdings SA publishes bond prospectus and applies for listing of its bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm

Jotul Holdings SA (the "Company") has issued a senior secured bond loan in an initial amount
of NOK 250,000,000 and issued subsequent bonds of NOK 90,000,000, within a total
framework amount of NOK 400,000,000, on the Nordic bond market. The bonds carry a
floating interest rate of NIBOR 3m + 7.00 per cent. per annum and matures 31 January 2022.
The Company has applied for listing of th

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I kampen mot kulda siden 1853

Jøtul har produsert ovner og peiser av støpejern siden 1853. Det er et ekstremt egnet materiale for produkter som skal tåle høye temperaturer og raske temperaturendringer. Norsk tradisjon og solid håndverk har vært oppskriften til at Jøtuls produkter har blitt det naturlige valget for kunder verden over.

Jøtul AS

1679 Kråkerøy

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