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Jotul Holding SA, the parent of the Jøtul Group, publishes certain financial information and preliminary result for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 and contemplates to issue subsequent bonds

Jotul Holding SA, the parent of the Jøtul Group, publishes certain financial information and preliminary result for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 and contemplates to issue subsequent bonds

Jotul Holding SA (the “Company” or “Jøtul”) publishes certain financial information and preliminary result for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 (“FY18”) prior to holding meetings with fixed income investors in conjunction with the Company’s contemplated subsequent issue of bonds under the Company’s existing bond loan with ISIN NO0010815749 (the “Bonds”).

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I kampen mot kulda siden 1853

Jøtul har produsert ovner og peiser av støpejern siden 1853. Det er et ekstremt egnet materiale for produkter som skal tåle høye temperaturer og raske temperaturendringer. Norsk tradisjon og solid håndverk har vært oppskriften til at Jøtuls produkter har blitt det naturlige valget for kunder verden over.

Jøtul AS

1679 Kråkerøy

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