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German-based cargo and freight company Hegelmann Group has acquired five LNG-powered trucks from IVECO, as a part of its plan to have sustainable vehicles make up at least 20 % of its total fleet by 2025.
German-based cargo and freight company Hegelmann Group has acquired five LNG-powered trucks from IVECO, as a part of its plan to have sustainable vehicles make up at least 20 % of its total fleet by 2025.

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Hegelmann Group acquires five LNG-powered trucks from IVECO

There is no doubt that sustainable solutions are gaining more and more attention in the transportation and logistics industry. As a way to respond to this and become even greener, the German-based cargo and freight company Hegelmann Group has acquired five trucks from vehicle manufacturer IVECO, powered by liquified natural gas (LNG). This as a part of its plan to have sustainable vehicles make up at least 20 percent of its total fleet by 2025.

Hegelmann Group began its operations in 1998, providing shipping services across Europe. Specialising in being the fastest transport-service provider on the market, with “just-in-time” transports and flexible solutions, the company has grown to offer its services to countries all over Europe and the CIS nations, from the Algarve to the Chinese border.

Now, Hegelmann Group has taken one step further towards its goal of having sustainable vehicles make up at least 20 % of its total fleet by 2025, by acquiring five LNG-powered trucks from IVECO, of the model Stralis 460 NP.

Taking responsibility to better the industry

According to Siegfried Hegelmann, shareholder in the Hegelmann Group, the acquisition was driven by their goal of becoming more environmentally responsible. He says:

- As one of the largest carriers in Europe, we feel responsible for creating a more sustainable environment. For us, it is our mission to introduce our customers to new trucks and show them that these are as efficient as diesel trucks. At the same time, it is a new and long-term way to create sustainability in the industry.

He continues:

- As a shareholder, I am responsible for how our business evolves and how it affects the industry, and we would like to share what our collective future could look like with other major transportation companies. I believe that if this approach works, more companies will follow. Every day, trucks are on the road and the environment gets more and more polluted. So, we want to show that goods can actually be transported in an environmentally friendly way.

Green and effective

For IVECO, the acquisition clearly shows that they have what it takes to provide a greener solution. Ernestas Jakubonis, IVECO Baltic Area Manager, explains how this purchase is a good step towards a more sustainable future for Hegelmann, whilst being a good reference for IVECO. He says:

- Hegelmann Group’s company strategy is to become a sustainable brand. Both in terms of its transportation but also when it comes to their social actions, as they regularly support schools, hospitals and other social programmes. For us at IVECO, this case is truly the perfect reference as we show how we can deliver products to meet high set demands. And due to the fact that society is always looking for greener alternatives, we believe that several smaller companies will eventually follow in Hegelmann’s footsteps.

Håkan Jönsson, Business Director for IVECO North Europe & Baltics, finishes by explaining how the five Stralis 460 NP trucks can boost Hegelmann’s brand, and increase the efficiency of its operations. He says:

- Hegelmann Group has the intention of making 20 % of its fleet sustainable by 2025. Our trucks are an excellent addition to the fleet and a good choice when talking about sustainable transportation, as research has shown that the LNG truck uses up to 10-15 % less fuel than a diesel truck. Additionally, our Stralis 460 NP and its LNG technology does not only reduce CO2 emissions by 95 % with biomethane, it is also considered efficient as it is cheaper than gasoline or diesel and can run up to 1600 kilometres on a full tank.

He concludes:

- There is even the further option of using Bio LNG, in which case CO2 emissions would be reduced by 179 %, making it one of the greenest means of transport available. In short, it is the perfect combination of sustainability and efficiency and we are excited to see how this technology will make its way throughout Europe. Hopefully, with this acquisition, Hegelmann Group will set a good example for others and for the future of the industry.

In July 2019, IVECO launched a new model, the IVECO S-Way. This includes the sustainable IVECO S-Way NP; a development of IVECO Stralis NP, and it is now ready for order.


IVECO er et selskap innenfor CNH Industrial N.V., en global leder innenfor kapitalvaresektoren, oppført på New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) og på Mercato Telematico Azionario, organisert og styrt av Borse Italiana (MI: CNHI). IVECO utvikler, produserer og markedsfører et bredt spekter av lette, mellomtunge og tunge nyttekjøretøy, samt offroad lastebiler og andre offroad kjøretøy.

Det brede kjøretøyprogrammet inkluderer Daily, et kjøretøy som dekker 3 – 7,2 tonns segmentet, Eurocargo fra 6 – 22 tonn, samt det tunge segmentet over 16 tonn, bestående av Trakker (dedikert for offroad kjøring) og IVECO WAY-serien med landeveismodellen IVECO S-WAY foruten IVECO X-WAY til lettere anleggskjøring. I tillegg kommer merkenavnet IVECO Astra som dekker gruve- og anleggssektoren med tipptrucker og rammestyrte dumpere, samt spesialkjøretøy..

IVECO sysselsetter nesten 21.000 ansatte globalt. Selskapet har produksjonsenheter i 7 land i Europa, Asia, Afrika, Oceania og Latin-Amerika hvor det produseres kjøretøy med de mest avanserte teknologier. 4.200 salgs- og servicepunkter i mer enn 160 land sikrer teknisk støtte uansett hvor i verden et IVECO-kjøretøy er i arbeid.


Marie Rømer (Responsible for fairs and events)

Marie Rømer (Responsible for fairs and events)

Pressekontakt Event & Marketing Specialist Fairs and events +4520818477

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Pressekontakt Marketing & Communication Manager PR & Kommunikation, Marketing 20627498

Velkommen til IVECO Norge AS!

IVECO er et selskap i Iveco Group N.V. (MI: IVG). IVECO utvikler, produserer og markedsfører et komplett program av lette, mellomtunge og tunge nyttekjøretøy, offroad lastebiler og andre kjøretøy for offroad anvendelse.


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