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Topics: Environment, Energy

Henrik Duesund, Cermaq, with Emma Milne, Compassion in World Farming

Cermaq awarded for leading animal welfare

The NGO Compassion in World Farming has awarded Cermaq with their Special Recognition Prize for Cermaq’s welfare practices for humane slaughter of its salmon.

GSI sustainability report launched today.

GSI sustainability report launched today.

Cermaq, being an active partner in the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), proudly shares the GSI press release on the launch of the sustainability report. The report includes data 14 sustainability metrics across 40% of global farmed salmon industry.

CEOs of world’s leading seafood companies commit to time-bound goals for a healthy ocean

CEOs of world’s leading seafood companies commit to time-bound goals for a healthy ocean

For the first time in the history of seafood production, ten of the largest seafood companies in the world have committed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals that will ensure the industry becomes more sustainable. The goals are the result of four years of dialogues through the science-industry initiative Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS).

iFarm er unik, og skiller seg fra alle andre utviklingstillatelser. Teknologien vil styrke konkurransekraften i eksisterende, kystnært oppdrett. Det vil skape arbeidsplasser langs kysten der folk bor.

Setter sin lit til statsråden

Oppdrettsselskapet Cermaq anker Fiskeridirektoratets beslutning om å tildele bare fire konsesjoner til utvikling av det nyskapende oppdrettssystemet iFarm, inn for departementet.

As the first business partner and a founding patron to the action platform. Cermaq has been active in the formation of the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business.

Cermaq welcomes the launch of UN Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business

As the first business partner and a founding patron to the action platform, Cermaq has been active in the formation of the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business. The action platform is launched today, on the World Oceans Day, at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

Salmon farming contributes with workplaces and value creation in many coastal areas, here an illustration from Chiloe  in Chile

Sustainability report 2017 and Cermaq taking the lead on ocean sustainability

Contributing to meeting the UN sustainability goals is fundamental to Cermaq, and the report presents the sustainability performance in 2017, that when combined with Cermaq’s partnerships is essential to scale up the impact of Cermaq’s sustainability activities, including a new UN initiative on oceans.

The survival rate for our fish for the full year 2017 spanned from 94 % to 96% in our operating regions.

Continued high survival rate in all regions

Good fish health and low mortality are important in our salmon farming. The survival rate for our fish for the full year 2017 spanned from 94 % to 96% in our operating regions. Cermaq had no escapes in the last quarter of 2017, neither so far in 2018.

iFarm is based on photo recognition of the fish and brings fish welfare and fish health to a new level as each fish is being individually monitored

iFarm will transform fish farming from stock management to individualized farming

The Directorate of Fisheries has found that Cermaq’s iFarm concept to be within the scope of the Norwegian development licenses system. Cermaq has applied for ten licenses to implement the technology that will reduce the environmental footprint of farming and bring fish welfare and fish health to a new level as each fish is being individually monitored.

Cermaq publishes quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics .

Robust sustainability performance in Cermaq last quarter

Cermaq has published quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations since beginning of 2016. The quarterly sustainability results for April - June show low mortality level; for the last 12 months 4.4 % in Norway, 5.9 % in Canada, and ranging between the three species from 3%-6.8% in Chile.

Seafood Intelligence has rated 36 salmonid companies and 11 fish feed companies on their transparency

Cermaq rated as the most transparent salmon farming company

Cermaq holds the # 1 position in Seafood Intelligence’s annual transparency benchmark report 2017. Cermaq is unique by having external assurance of its sustainability report and also publishing quarterly sustainability performance results.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form a central part of the framework for Cermaq’s annual sustainability report for 2016.

Cermaq releases 2016 sustainability report: Sustainability is a choice

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were integrated into Cermaq’s strategy in 2016, and forms a central part of the framework for Cermaq’s annual sustainability report. The 2016 sustainability report is Cermaq’s seventh GRI-report and is written in accordance with the new GRI Standards. As previous years, the report has been externally audited.

Oksøy site in Nordland (photo by Ander Furuseth/

More ASC-certified sites

Cermaq aims at certifying all its sites to the ambitious ASC standard. Today, two sites in Norway received the certification. The two sites, Veggfjell and Oksøya are both located in Nordland, North of the Arctic Circle.

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Sustainable aquaculture

Cermaq is a world leading producer of sustainable salmon and trout with operations in Chile, Canada and Norway.
Cermaq supplies salmon to customers in more than 70 countries around the world and has annual revenues of around NOK 12 billion. The company has around 2800 employees and is a fully owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation with head office in Oslo, Norway.
Cermaq is driving transition of our food system towards healthier and more climate-friendly food. Our approach is transparency, performance, and partnerships, setting ambitious climate goals, innovation for clean farming, and scaling impact and ripple effects through local and global partnerships.

Cermaq Group

Dronning Eufemias gate 16
0191 Oslo