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Major firmware updates for several of Canon’s Cinema EOS cameras and lenses

Canon Europe today announces a collection of firmware updates designed to bring new features and improvements to several of its Cinema EOS cameras and lenses. As a result of direct feedback from Canon users, professionals will see updates to the EOS C70, EOS C500 Mark II and EOS C300 Mark III cameras, as well as the EF-EOS R 0.71x Mount Adapter. Following updates, two Compact-Servo cinema lenses – the CN-E18-80mm and CN-E70-200mm[i]– will also be fully compatible with the mirrorless EOS R5[ii], part of the EOS R System. A total of 24 Cinema EOS firmware updates offer enhancements and new capabilities to the above products, bringing benefits to professionals using them across industries such as news broadcast, sports, cinema, corporate, live, and offline productions – whatever the scale.

Increased cinematic creativity

The updated EOS C500 Mark II will now be able to record in 4:3 and 6:5 aspect ratio/resolution while the camera is in Full Frame sensor mode in Cinema RAW Light[iii]. Previously only able to offer 2x or 1.33x de-squeeze options, the EOS C500 Mark II and EOS C300 Mark III will now feature a 1.8x de-squeeze option, enabling users to choose from a wider range of anamorphic lenses. These updates provide extra opportunities for professionals in the cinema industry to advance their creativity, bringing a new anamorphic look to their productions, enhance their workflow when shooting in various anamorphic formats, and enable them to take full advantage of the EOS C500 Mark II’s wide, high-resolution sensor.

Enhanced live production capability

Updates to the EOS C500 Mark II and EOS C300 Mark III will also benefit those in live production environments. Support for Canon’s original IP-based XC Protocol for both cameras allows for remote control from Canon’s RC-IP100 remote controller. This feature also provides users in a remote set-up control of the cameras’ zoom, focus, iris, gain adjust and white balance and more for seamless integration of Cinema EOS cameras into live production workflows alongside Canon’s PTZ solutions. This update follows the launch of three new Canon PTZ cameras and the RC-IP100 earlier this year – created in response to the growing popularity of remote production.

More features to benefit a range of productions

In addition to existing viewing LUT support, the EOS C500 Mark II and EOS C300 Mark III now support Look File functionality. Look Files are 3D LUTs that can be imported into the camera for internal recording, providing unique colour/contrast characteristics without the need to colour grade. When updated, EOS C500 Mark II, EOS C300 Mark III and EOS C70 users will also see ITU BT.709 Standard Gamma option added, with the CP file ‘BT.709 Standard’ assigned to Custom Picture Profile.

What’s more, when recording 5.9K RAW or 4K/UHD internally, 2K and FHD output is now supported over the 12G-SDI[iv]terminal, allowing further compatibility with external HD monitors. Simultaneous output for Monitor Out and HDMI will also become available on both cameras, providing even further monitoring flexibility.

New benefits for EOS C70 and EF-EOS R 0.71x users

Users updating the EOS C70 will have greater flexibility and creative control. Whole Area AF has now been added to existing ‘Large/Small’ frame size options, giving users increased AF control over a larger area. In addition to this, when using the Whole Area AF mode, Touch Tracking can be initiated by touching the LCD screen, as is Face Detection when touching the subjects’ face.

The EF-EOS R 0.71x Mount Adapter, when used with the EOS C70, will also see expanded lens support with seven new EF lenses[v], in addition to the three already[vi] supported. Fully supported lenses provide a list of benefits such as: optical correction (aberration correction and peripheral illumination correction), auto iris (AE), auto focus (AF) performance, and lens metadata (focal length and T/F number correction). Canon can also confirm that a future firmware update will see additional lenses added to the list of supported lenses with this Mount Adapter.

Compact-Servo cinema lenses now compatible with EOS R5

Those using Canon’s EOS R5 in cinema productions will now benefit from enhanced cine lens support. Both of Canon’s unique CN-E18-80mm and CN-E70-200mm[vii]Compact-Servo cinema lenses are now supported via the EF to EOS R Mount Adapter, allowing users to achieve a high optical quality cinematic look and optimised operability for shooting video with the compact EOS R5. This new feature will bring EOS R5 users control over the following functions: optical correction, lens metadata, lens grip and servo control support, auto focus, auto exposure, and Image Stabilisation (IS) operation.

For more information about these latest firmware updates, please visit: www.canon.no

[i] Public release of the firmware updates for the EOS C70 and EF-EOS R 0.71x Mount Adapter is June 30th 2021; Public release of the EOS C500 Mark II and C300 Mark III is July 30th 2021; Public release of CN-E18-80mm and CN-E70-200mm is summer 2021

[ii] Both camera and lenses will require updating

[iii] XF-AVC not supported

[iv] Cinema RAW Light only, XF-AVC not supported

[v] The Canon: EF 16-35mm F2.8L II USM, EF 16-35mm F4L IS USM, EF 24-105mm F4L IS USM, EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS II USM, EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS III USM, EF 70-200mm F4L IS USM, EF 70-200mm F4L IS II USM

[vi] EF 16-35mm F2.8L III USM, EF 24-70mm F2.8L II USM, EF 24-105mm F4L IS II USM

[vii] Both camera and lenses will require updating


Canon Norge

Canon Norge har rundt 320 medarbeidere og er representert ved 9 regionale Canon Business Center (CBC) som tilbyr lokale salgs- og supporttjenester. Hovedkontoret ligger på Holmlia i Oslo.

Canon er den ubestridte lederen innen både bildekommunikasjon og dokumentbehandling for både konsument- og bedriftsmarkedet. Vår produkt- og løsningsportefølje omfatter alt fra foto, video, skrivere, skanner og faks til multifunksjonsprodukter med tilhørende løsninger og tjenester. Mer informasjon om selskapet finnes på www.canon.no

Canon Norge en del av Canon Europa, som du kan lese mer om nedenfor.

Om Canon Europe

Canon Europe er EMEAs strategiske hovedkvarter for Canon Inc., en global leverandør av bildeteknologi og -tjenester. Canon Europe er representert i 120 land med rundt 17 000 ansatte, og bidrar til en fjerdedel av Canons globale inntekter årlig.

Ønsket om kontinuerlig innovasjon har gjort Canon ledende på utviklingen innen bildeteknologi siden etableringen i 1937. Selskapet har gjennom sin 80 år lange historie investert i de rette områdene og grepet vekstmulighetene. Fra kameraer til kommersielle skrivere, og fra konsulentvirksomhet til helseteknologi, beriker Canon liv og bedrifter med sin bildeinnovasjon.

Canons bedriftsfilosofi bygger på det japanske ordet «Kyosei»som betyr å leve og arbeide sammen for et felles gode. I EMEA følger Canon Europe en bærekraftig forretningsvekst med fokus på å redusere egen miljøpåvirkning og samtidig støtte kunder til å redusere deres miljøpåvirkning, ved å bruke Canons produkter, løsninger og tjenester.

For mer informasjon om Canon Europe, se: www.canon-europe.com


Trond Sliper

Trond Sliper

Pressekontakt Product Marketing Specialist Foto-, video-, og printprodukter
Siw Holmgren

Siw Holmgren

Pressekontakt PR & Communications Specialist B2B & B2C Corporate & Marketing Communication
Canon Norge

Hallagerbakken 110
1256 Oslo

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