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Canon opens first ever Redline Challenge to amateur photographers with kit prize worth over €14k

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Canon opens first ever Redline Challenge to amateur photographers with kit prize worth over €14k

Canon Europe announces the launch of Redline Challenge, a brand new competition for amateur photographers to push their craft, challenge their creativity and test their technical know-how. Hosted by vlogger and photographer, Kai Wong, an inspiring line-up of Canon Ambassadors will share pro insights, tips, and tricks to help master each Redline Challenge brief.

Internationally renowned photographer and multiple Red Bull Illume Winner, Lorenz Holder, today joins Kai to announce the first theme – Light in the Dark – designed to be the ultimate test of talent. Amateur photographers can put their skills into action and explore the possibilities of shooting in low-light and the relationship between light and shadow, contrast and colour in this first ever Redline Challenge.

Entrants will be in with a chance of winning over €14,000 worth of Canon kit to help advance their creative ability and an incredible money-can’t-buy photography mentoring session with Lorenz. Known for his fresh and dramatic style and exceptional ability to capture the unexpected even in the most challenging of settings, Lorenz is brilliantly placed to act as judge and mentor.

Speaking about the Redline Challenge, Canon Ambassador Lorenz Holder said: “When Canon asked me to be involved as a mentor for the Light in the Dark challenge, I jumped at the chance as I know how exciting these competitions are for photographers to test their skills and gain industry recognition. Light in the Dark is a great theme to kick off Canon’s Redline Challenge because it’s one that speaks to so many photographers – whatever genre they shoot."

“It’s possible to create lots of interesting light effects, even if you don’t have access to a studio flash or Speedlite – you just need to get creative! Whatever your subject and however you choose to interpret Light in the Dark I urge all entrants to push themselves outside of their creative comfort zone and not to be afraid of trying new styles and techniques.”

Entrants have from 00:01 GMT on 22ndMarch 2021 until 23:59 on 31stMay 2021 to submit their images, which can be taken on any device, and the competition is free to enter. The competition will see a total of three rounds of judging by an independent panel of experts and Canon will announce on its website the judges’ shortlist of 10 finalists in June. The final winner will be announced by the 27th June and will walk away with the following Canon kit:

  • Canon EOS R5 - Canon’s latest professional mirrorless camera which offers uncompromised performance
  • 3x RF lenses built for Canon’s revolutionary EOS R System offering optical excellence:

- Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8L IS USM

- Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8L IS USM

- Canon RF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM

  • Canon image PROGRAF PRO-1000 – a 17-inch large format printer packed with advanced technology resulting in stunning quality prints
  • Speedlite EL-1 – an advanced Speedlite flash that delivers reliability and high-speed performance

    Susie Donaldson, ITCG European Marketing Director for Canon EMEA said: We created the Redline Challenge to encourage amateur photographers to push their creative boundaries and provide an opportunity for them to gain recognition from respected industry experts. Now more than ever we know the importance of supporting and celebrating creatives. We also understand the importance of having not only the right tools to push creative boundaries but the know-how, which is why many of our Ambassadors will be sharing their own technical tips and techniques throughout the duration of this first challenge – even how to capture low-light scenes using ambient light in the home."

    “The Light in the Dark challenge is all about capturing the relationship between light and shadow, and contrast and colour, it’s a tricky thing to do – but done correctly the results will be exceptional. I’m really excited to see the shortlisted entries.”

    Images submitted to the Light in the Dark Redline Challenge will be judged on the following criteria:

    • Reflect the challenge Light in the Dark, this means capturing the ever-intriguing relationship between light and shadow, contrast and colour
    • Creativity – Is your entry fresh and original?
    • Impact – What emotions or reactions are evoked from the submission. Is the submission amusing, emotional and/or thought provoking?
    • Technical prowess – Has the image been captured in a way that demonstrates an understanding of the abilities of the camera and the subject?
    • Size – Image size should be 150DPI, 2000 px along the longest side
    • Other – Participants must not upload images which have been previously published or won an award or prize.

      Follow #RedlineChallenge on social platforms and enter Canon’s Redline Challenge by visiting: https://www.canon.no/redline-challenge/

      Notes to Editor

      Terms and Conditions (for full T&Cs and details in Norwegian please see Canon’s website here)

      • Promotion Period: Enter between 00:01 GMT on 22nd March 2021 and 23:59 on 31st May 2021 inclusive.
      • Incomplete, invalid or inappropriate entries, or entries received after the closing date on the 31st May 2021 at GMT 23:59 will not be eligible for publication or any prize.
      • All entrants (“Participants”) must be amateur photographers, who are Swedish residents aged 18 or over and hold a valid passport.
      • Professional photographers or those earning more than 20% of their annual income from photography and employees of Canon Group, their families, agents, and other parties directly involved with this competition and the sponsorship are not eligible to enter.
      • No purchase is necessary. It is free to enter this competition and images do not have to be taken on a Canon device.
      • A maximum of 20 entries are permitted per person during the Promotion Period, but any Participant may only win once. Each new entry must be of a new image; the same image cannot be entered more than once.
      • By submitting an entry, each Participant hereby grants to Canon Group a non-revocable, worldwide, royalty-free and free of charge, sublicensable licence to publish, republish, display and use their image for all purposes connected with this competition, including but not limited to display on Canon Group websites, Canon Group social media accounts and/or channels, any other websites of Canon Group or its agents/contractors, and in marketing materials (including at exhibitions) relating to this competition for up to one year after the competition ends.



      Canon Norge

      Canon Norge har rundt 320 medarbeidere og er representert ved 9 regionale Canon Business Center (CBC) som tilbyr lokale salgs- og supporttjenester. Hovedkontoret ligger på Holmlia i Oslo.

      Canon er den ubestridte lederen innen både bildekommunikasjon og dokumentbehandling for både konsument- og bedriftsmarkedet. Vår produkt- og løsningsportefølje omfatter alt fra foto, video, skrivere, skanner og faks til multifunksjonsprodukter med tilhørende løsninger og tjenester. Mer informasjon om selskapet finnes på www.canon.no

      Canon Norge en del av Canon Europa, som du kan lese mer om nedenfor.

      Om Canon Europe

      Canon Europe er EMEAs strategiske hovedkvarter for Canon Inc., en global leverandør av bildeteknologi og -tjenester. Canon Europe er representert i 120 land med rundt 17 000 ansatte, og bidrar til en fjerdedel av Canons globale inntekter årlig.

      Ønsket om kontinuerlig innovasjon har gjort Canon ledende på utviklingen innen bildeteknologi siden etableringen i 1937. Selskapet har gjennom sin 80 år lange historie investert i de rette områdene og grepet vekstmulighetene. Fra kameraer til kommersielle skrivere, og fra konsulentvirksomhet til helseteknologi, beriker Canon liv og bedrifter med sin bildeinnovasjon.

      Canons bedriftsfilosofi bygger på det japanske ordet «Kyosei»som betyr å leve og arbeide sammen for et felles gode. I EMEA følger Canon Europe en bærekraftig forretningsvekst med fokus på å redusere egen miljøpåvirkning og samtidig støtte kunder til å redusere deres miljøpåvirkning, ved å bruke Canons produkter, løsninger og tjenester.

      For mer informasjon om Canon Europe, se: www.canon-europe.com


      Siw Holmgren

      Siw Holmgren

      Pressekontakt PR & Communications Specialist B2B & B2C Corporate & Marketing Communication
      Canon Norge

      Hallagerbakken 110
      1256 Oslo

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