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Canon offers new firmware and applications for 4K remote PTZ camera systems

Canon Europe announces today that it will offer firmware for 4K remote cameras1 and remote camera controllers2intended to improve the functionality and performance of functions, such as auto-tracking, free of charge from mid-July 2024. Upgraded versions of various applications3 including ‘Auto Tracking Application RA-AT001’ (released in April 2023) will also be made available.

Canon has been enhancing its product line-up of remote camera systems by providing application software that adds necessary functions according to their usage to camera systems, including 4K remote cameras and specialised controllers. With upgrades to firmware and applications across the system to improve their respective functionality and performance, Canon aims to assist workflow improvements on video production projects and aid visual communication in situations such as web conferences and lecture broadcasts.

The tracking function will be improved so that the updated ‘Auto Tracking Application RA-AT001’ will now be able to continue to track the subject even when they intersect with another person (such as someone cutting in front or crossing paths) without transferring to the other person. Its performance will also be improved to achieve more natural and flowing movement as it tracks the beginning and end of a subject’s movements. Additionally, advanced settings for auto-tracking can now be adjusted via the controller so that cameras can be operated without the use of a PC. Canon will also begin providing the basic functions4 of ‘Auto Tracking Application RA-AT001’ free of charge in order to allow a broader range of users to enjoy the improved convenience.

The update will improve the video output framerate during USB connection. Remote cameras CR-N300 and CR-N100 comply with USB Video Class, the standard for USB transmission, and by simply connecting them to a PC via cable they can be used for web conferences. The output framerate will be improved from FHD12.5fps, which the camera was originally equipped to handle, to a maximum of FHD30fps. In addition to Motion JPEG format, the output format will now be offered in YUV format as well, thereby facilitating image processing after shooting. Being compatible with the two formats, the remote cameras – with updated firmware – can be used for various kinds of web conferences.

In addition, the functionality of the dedicated controller will be enhanced so that it will now be possible for the touch panel on the remote camera controller RC-IP1000 to display thumbnail images of presets and trace functions registered on the camera. Users can access the function while displaying the thumbnail image, thereby reducing operational mistakes, and enabling intuitive control operation. Furthermore, images shown on the touch panel, which can display up to nine cameras at one time, can be output to an external monitor via an SDI and HDMI. This controller firmware update will improve on-site operations by enabling users to control the cameras while checking the multiple views simultaneously displayed on a large screen.


1 Compatible with CR-N700 (released in December 2022), CR-N500 (May 2021), CR-N300 (June 2021), CR-N100 (November 2023), and CR-X300 (February 2022)

2 Compatible with RC-IP1000 (released in December 2023)

3 Auto Loop Application RA-AL001 (released in April 2023) and Remote Camera Control Application (released free of charge in May 2021)

4 Functions including adjustability of composition may be limited in contrast to paid applications. Please check the official Canon website for details.



Om Canon Norge

Canon Norge er landsdekkende med 300 medarbeidere, 9 regionale Canon Business Center, samt partnere. Canon er markedsledende innen både bildekommunikasjon og dokumentbehandling for både konsument- og bedriftsmarkedet.

Produkt- og løsningsporteføljen omfatter alt fra foto, video, skrivere og skannere til multifunksjons produkter, større produksjons- & fotoskrivere for det profesjonelle markedet, samt innovative digitale løsninger og tjenester.

Mer informasjon om selskapet finnes på www.canon.no

Canon Norge en del av Canon Europa, som du kan lese mer om nedenfor.

Om Canon Europe

Canon Europe er EMEAs strategiske hovedkvarter for Canon Inc., en global leverandør av bildeteknologi og -tjenester. Canon Europe er representert i 120 land med rundt 13 500 ansatte, og bidrar til en fjerdedel av Canons globale inntekter årlig.

Ønsket om kontinuerlig innovasjon har gjort Canon ledende på utviklingen innen bildeteknologi siden etableringen i 1937. Selskapet har gjennom sin 80 år lange historie investert i de rette områdene og grepet vekstmulighetene. Fra kameraer til kommersielle skrivere, og fra konsulentvirksomhet til helseteknologi, beriker Canon liv og bedrifter med sin bildeinnovasjon.

Canons bedriftsfilosofi bygger på det japanske ordet «Kyosei»som betyr å leve og arbeide sammen for et felles gode. I EMEA følger Canon Europe en bærekraftig forretningsvekst med fokus på å redusere egen miljøpåvirkning og samtidig støtte kunder til å redusere deres miljøpåvirkning, ved å bruke Canons produkter, løsninger og tjenester.

For mer informasjon om Canon Europe, se: www.canon-europe.com


Trond Sliper

Trond Sliper

Pressekontakt Product Marketing Specialist Foto-, video-, og printprodukter
Siw Holmgren

Siw Holmgren

Pressekontakt PR & Communications Specialist B2B & B2C Corporate & Marketing Communication
Canon Norge

Hallagerbakken 110
1256 Oslo

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