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Canon VBH-43

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Canon VBH-43

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5436 x 4080, 1.38 MB
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Trond Sliper

Trond Sliper

Pressekontakt Product Marketing Specialist Foto-, video-, og printprodukter
Siw Holmgren

Siw Holmgren

Pressekontakt PR & Communications Specialist B2B & B2C Corporate & Marketing Communication

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Canon unveils new Full HD and 1.3MP network camera range with enhanced durability and improved monitoring flexibility

Canon unveils new Full HD and 1.3MP network camera range with enhanced durability and improved monitoring flexibility

LONDON, 24th September, 2014– Canon Europe, world leader in imaging solutions, today announces eight new Full HD and 1.3MP network cameras that combine developments in hardware design, such as improved PTRZ accuracy and resistance and enhanced control abilities, with the latest analytics and dual streaming capabilities to meet the market’s most demanding monitoring needs.
The new H-series

Canon Norge

Hallagerbakken 110
1256 Oslo

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