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Sustainable harvesting of the vast resource Calanus finmarchicus

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Snorre Angell

Snorre Angell

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Norway files application to include Calanus Oil in Codex Alimentarius

Norwegian Authorities, represented by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, have submitted an application to the Codex Alimentarius Commission to include calanus oil in the Codex Standard (CODEX STAN 329-2017). Codex Alimentarius is a joint initiative from The Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization, both organizations from the United Nations.
Oil from Calanus finmarchicu

PRESS RELEASE: First Review Article on Health Effects of Wax Ester Omega-3s

A recent review article by Schots et al., published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, investigates how the different constituents of Calanus® Oil can contribute to the prevention of obesity-induced low-grade inflammation and the associated metabolic disturbances. Calanus® Oil is a natural oil derived from the 1-year copepod Calanus finmarchicus. In addition to having the unique wax ester form, Calanus

PRESS RELEASE: A new clinical trial shows that daily intake of Calanus® Oil improves body composition

A new study conducted by a research team from Leibniz Universität in Hannover, Germany, shows exciting synergistic effects on body composition when combining moderate physical activity with Calanus® Oil supplementation.
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Calanus AS certified by Friend of the Sea®

Tromsø, Norway, December 11, 2020

Friend of the Sea®, one of the leading global certification standards for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified Calanus AS for harvesting of the zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus and the products derived from this huge marine resource. Calanus AS can now display the Friend of the Sea® eco-friendly label on their

PRESS RELEASE: A new study shows that Calanus® Oil intake antagonizes negative changes in gut microbiota due to obesity

A new preclinical study conducted by a research team from Uit- The Arctic University of Norway, shows that Calanus® Oil supplementation in obese mice prevents negative changes in microbiota. This has led to new theories about the mechanisms of action of Calanus® Oil.
Current evidence suggests that obesity and its comorbidities are intrinsically linked with unfavorable changes in the intestinal

- Godt for deg. Godt for planeten.

Zooca® (Calanus AS) er et biomarint industriselskap som leder an i utvikling, fremstilling og salg av unike helse- og ernæringsprodukter basert på bærekraftig utnyttelse av det marine zooplanktonet raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus), en av de største fornybare marine ressursene globalt. Zooca® har gjennomført forskning og utviklingsarbeid innenfor høstingsteknologi, prosess- og applikasjonsutvikling, produktutvikling og dokumentasjon for kommersialisering. De primære forretningsområdene er ernærings- og helseprodukter til mennesker og dyr innenfor områdene kosttilskudd, funksjonelle ingredienser til oppdrett av marin fisk og reker, samt laksefisk og som ingredienser i pet food.

Hovedproduktene er Zooca® Calanus® Oil, som benyttes som høyverdig kosttilskudd hos mennesker, og Zooca® Hydrolysate, som benyttes funksjonell ingrediens i dyrefôr og startfôr innenfor oppdrett. Selskapet er den eneste bedriften i Norge som driver industriell utnyttelse av zooplankton.

Zooca (Calanus AS)

Stortorget 1, 5. etasje, Kystens hus