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PRESS RELEASE: Springfield Nutraceuticals launches Calanus® Oil in the EU

The Novel Food approval of Calanus® Oil has triggered a massive interest from European dietary supplement brand owners. Peter van Hogerhuis, CEO of Springfield Nutraceuticals in The Netherlands was the first in the European Union to see the great potential of Calanus® Oil.

He announces: “When we discovered Calanus® Oil, we did not need much time to recognize the effects and potential of this special fatty acid product. We concluded the co-operation with Calanus in a very short time. We feel that we can build the awareness of this unique omega-3 product. Our NourSea Calanus® Oil product can hopefully add to the health of many people”.

On May 15th, 2018, Springfield Nutraceuticals launched Calanus® Oil in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, United Kingdom and Germany under the brand name NourSea, referring to their catchword "Nourished by the Sea".

CEO in Calanus Gunnar Rørstad is satisfied, but not surprised, with how Calanus® Oil has been received:

"The results of our research effort on Calanus® Oil are extremely promising, particularly in the metabolic health area, and has led to a big interest from parapharmaceutical companies in the interface between dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals, especially targeting practitioners and pharmacies."

"The innovative mindset of Springfield Nutraceuticals, combined with their serious approach to health promoting products, makes them an ideal partner for us to position Calanus® Oil in their markets," he states. 

For more information, contact Gunnar Rørstad on phone +47 913 65 942 or e-mail: gunnar.rorstad@calanus.no. 


Calanus AS is a biomarine company pioneering the utilization of the crustacean Calanus finmarchicus. This small pelagic zooplankter, with a life span of one year, is the most numerous animal species on the planet and represents the largest harvestable biomass on the Northern hemisphere.

Domiciled in Tromsø - Norway’s largest seafood port and the “Gateway to the Arctic” - Calanus As is firmly rooted in a community built on harvesting of seafood, and on research for sustainable management and utilization of marine resources.


Snorre Angell

Snorre Angell

Pressekontakt CEO +4791349671

- Godt for deg. Godt for planeten.

Zooca® (Calanus AS) er et biomarint industriselskap som leder an i utvikling, fremstilling og salg av unike helse- og ernæringsprodukter basert på bærekraftig utnyttelse av det marine zooplanktonet raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus), en av de største fornybare marine ressursene globalt. Zooca® har gjennomført forskning og utviklingsarbeid innenfor høstingsteknologi, prosess- og applikasjonsutvikling, produktutvikling og dokumentasjon for kommersialisering. De primære forretningsområdene er ernærings- og helseprodukter til mennesker og dyr innenfor områdene kosttilskudd, funksjonelle ingredienser til oppdrett av marin fisk og reker, samt laksefisk og som ingredienser i pet food.

Hovedproduktene er Zooca® Calanus® Oil, som benyttes som høyverdig kosttilskudd hos mennesker, og Zooca® Hydrolysate, som benyttes funksjonell ingrediens i dyrefôr og startfôr innenfor oppdrett. Selskapet er den eneste bedriften i Norge som driver industriell utnyttelse av zooplankton.

Zooca (Calanus AS)

Stortorget 1, 5. etasje, Kystens hus