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Karsten Ottenberg, CEO of BSH Home Appliances Group
Karsten Ottenberg, CEO of BSH Home Appliances Group

Pressemelding -

Bosch Home Appliances is looking for startups with ideas around the Connected Kitchen

Digitalization is changing the way people live, cook and do housework. That is why BSH teams up with Techstars to launch the “BSH Future Home Accelerator Powered by Techstars” program. On July 23, 2018, applications open for early stage companies with innovative digital business models, who want to accelerate their ideas around the connected kitchen of the future home by receiving focused coaching while accessing the wide network of mentors, specialists and investors of BSH and Techstars.

“BSH, as a Hardware+ company, intends to become the industry leader in digital services for the connected kitchen. The success of that plan will depend crucially on assessing, developing and increasing growth opportunities of new digital business models. To do so, we need to acquire new digital capabilities that we currently don’t have yet,” says Karsten Ottenberg, Chairman of the BSH Management Board.

The “Future Home” in three months

The home appliance manufacturer and the startup specialist firm will support and mentor ten young companies each year until 2021. Applications for the first round open from July 23, 2018. International startups with ideas for digital services and disruptive technologies in the future home can find further information regarding the program and application info here: www.BSHAccelerator.com. The ten best teams will be hosted in Munich early in 2019 to gather for a three-month accelerator program. Working with mentors from BSH and Techstars, they will develop their strategies further, launch pilot projects, and sharpen their business models.

“In the Future Home program, entrepreneurs will complete a process in just thirteen weeks, which usually takes over a year,” says Mario Pieper, Head of BSH's Digital Business Unit. “With our global brands Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff, we’re one of the world’s most successful home appliance manufacturers, and our Home Connect technology is setting new standards in the connected kitchen. The startups will have the chance to benefit from our experience and knowledge, and an installed base of more than a million connected home appliances.” BSH sees this as a way of gaining early insight into new digital business models and technologies, and of shaping faster new solutions for the digital consumer around the connected kitchen. At the end of the program, the startups will pitch their business models in front of investors for financing and cooperation.

Investing in BSH’s successful future

“Our home appliances have already shown in the past how well we understand our consumers and their needs. The market for digital services offers vast potential, and we’ll have to focus even more sharply on providing ways for our consumers to enjoy the benefits of connected solutions in the future,” Ottenberg says. “That’s why we’re methodically pursuing our transformation into a Hardware+ company that offers not just excellent home appliances, but an increasing range of digital and customized services.” Last year, BSH already acquired 65 percent of Berlin startup Kitchen Stories – and it is now linking this global food platform into the Home Connect digital ecosystem.

BSH is a Bosch Group company.

Contact for press inquiries:

BSH Home Appliances AB

Maja Wikman Ulrich

Head of Communications Northern Europe

Phone: +46 (0)767 69 82 88

E-mail: Maja.WikmanUlrich@bshg.com

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Om Bosch

Bosch Husholdningsapparater er en del av BSH Home Appliances Group, Europas ledende hvitevareselskap. Per i dag driver BSH 40 fabrikker i 13 land i Europa, USA, Latin-Amerika og Asia. Sammen med et globalt nettverk bestående av datterselskaper innen salg og kundeservice, består BSH-familien i dag av ca. 80 selskaper i 50 land som sysselsetter 61.800 ansatte verden over. Bosch har alltid fokusert på detaljene, noe som har bidratt til en enklere og tryggere hverdag helt siden Robert Bosch grunnla selskapet i 1886. Robert Bosch var samfunnsengasjert og opptatt av å ta samfunnsansvar. Han jobbet iherdig for at selskapet skulle utvikle seg i takt med samfunnet, og alltid med et fokus på mennesker. Dette er kjerneverdier som siden har preget bedriften og bidratt til at Bosch utvikler husholdningsapparater av høy kvalitet. BSH Home Appliances Group hadde i 2017 en global omsetning på 13,8 milliarder Euro.

For ytterligere informasjon, besøk http://www.bosch-home.no/.


Maja NIlsson

Pressekontakt Press contact, consumer products +46 (0)70 812 42 57

Bosch Home Appliances press contact

Pressekontakt Press contact

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I mer enn 130 år har Bosch satt fokus på kvalitet, teknologisk kunnskap, pålitelighet og bekvemmelighet. Bosch hvitevarer har jobbet utfra disse grunnprinsipper i mer enn 85 år. Bosch produkter er ”Invented for life” og dermed skapt for å gjøre livet enklere samt muliggjøre en sunn og balansert livsstil. Det betyr at våre produkter skal tilføre verdi utover sine grunnleggende funksjoner. Resultatet er produkter som ikke bare oppnår godkjente resultater, men utmerkete resultater i alle våre produktkategorier. Uansett om det gjelder tilberedning av sunne måltider, hverdagsmat, vask eller rengjøring, overgår resultatene alltid forventningene. Dette oppnås gjennom banebrytende teknologi, gode idéer, overraskende enkle løsninger og intuitiv betjening. Det tidløse og internasjonalt anerkjente designet, er ofte en harmonisk kombinasjon av stil og funksjon. Produktenes materiale og utseende, gjør at de tiltaler alle. Bosch jobber for bærekraft i alle ledd. Derfor er våre produkter og prosesser miljø- og ressursvennlige, noe som ofte setter nye standarder i bransjen. Vi følger vår gründer Robert Boschs idé ”å heller tape penger enn tillit”. Det er denne tilliten som har gjort Bosch til Europas ledende produsent av husholdningsapparater. Drivkraften for å beholde denne posisjonen, er årsaken til en stadig ny produktutvikling.

Bosch Husholdningsapparater

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