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Fantastic Winter Conditions in Hafjell and Kvitfjell

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Fantastic Winter Conditions in Hafjell and Kvitfjell

HAFJELL AND KVITFJELL, Rarely have the two ski destinations experienced a better winter. Record visits to the mountains, powder snow, and alternating sunshine. The conditions are fantastic, and Easter looks set to be the best ever in terms of snow and mountains!

The winter vacation weeks are well underway in both mountains, and tourists are flocking from most neighboring countries. Danish, Swedish, and German guests fill up the chairlifts and ski rentals, enjoy good food at the eateries, and delight in the snow-covered winter in the inland. With so many guests knocking on the doors of the ski destinations, it's especially gratifying to offer them the best Norway has to offer - in February.

- We can't help but smile from ear to ear. Providing guests with such value for their money, with a proper, authentic winter, is absolutely fantastic. Not only does it keep snowing continuously, but we also have long periods of sunshine, blue skies, and perfect slopes!

GREAT SKIING: Kvitfjell at the moment. Great snow and great conditions. This picture taken during the World Cup on the 16th of February. Foto: Alpinco.

Increasing in both mountains.

That's what the communications manager of Alpinco, Veslemøy Eineteig Wedum, says. The week that has just passed, week 7, is traditionally full of winter holiday guests from Denmark and Sweden. This year, with even more than before.

- We have an increase in guests in both mountains. 12% up in Hafjell and 14% in Kvitfjell compared to last year. The main reason is probably that most around us, in Scandinavia and Europe, look to us for maximum winter, and that's understandable, she says.

    Moreover, last weekend, Kvitfjell hosted the first of a total of two World Cup events they will host this winter: first the men in February and then the women in March. Here too, the elite got to experience proper winter conditions, and the TV images coming from the mountain were a sight to behold.

    - Saturday's races were held in magical winter landscapes. It was touching, says Wedum.

      It's not at all a new phenomenon that foreign tourists fill up the mountains in the weeks Norwegians aren't skiing, but the increase is so significant, it's a joy for many.

      - We see that all our external operators in the mountains are also increasing. The ski school has been fully booked and could eventually not accept any more participants, while the ski rental had to close online pre-bookings due to high demand, she says.

      RECORD: Ski rental, school and restaurants report that they all are breaking records so far this winter, says Head of Communications at Alpinco, Veslemøy Eineteig Wedum. Foto: Alpinco.

      Pure winter

      The eateries around the mountains report the same. In general, the mountains are filled up, also on the cross-country ski trails, and tourists seem to choose Norway because of the winter.

      - The snow is everywhere here. It's so beautiful, says Julie Vadsholt Torstensen, who is visiting Hafjell with her Danish boarding school.

      - You're so close to the snow and nature. I've always dreamed of experiencing winter and skiing, so this is a great experience, she says.

        Easter is approaching, and for both mountains, these are usually weeks with a lot of traffic. This year, however, Easter is extra special.

        - This year, we are incredibly lucky with the calendar. Easter comes early, already at the end of March, so that means fantastic skiing conditions and no slush. Everything is set for a phenomenal Easter on proper superb conditions, says Wedum.

          Something for everyoneBoth mountains have big events on the agenda, including concerts for everyone and races for the whole family, children's activities, and fun with mascots.

          - We typically have a lot of families visiting, throughout the whole season, but also at Easter. For that, it's most important for us to offer low-threshold fun and experiences that everyone remembers and can enjoy, she says.

          BLUE SKY: Hafjell in clear blue sky at the moment with lots of snow. Foto: Alpinco.



            Veslemøy Eineteig Wedum

            Veslemøy Eineteig Wedum

            Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsansvarlig Hafjell og Kvitfjell/Alpinco 47 29 14 62
             Odd Stensrud

            Odd Stensrud

            Pressekontakt Daglig leder Hafjell og Kvitfjell/Alpinco +47 419 15 611


            Hafjell Alpinsenter er den snøsikre familiefavoritten som legger til rette for gode skiopplevelser, for alle nivåer – fra nybegynner til ekspert. Bare et kvarters kjøring nord for Lillehammer ligger et av Norges største og mest allsidige skianlegg. Ikke velg mellom familieferie og rå skikjøring, her finner du begge deler.
            Kvitfjell Alpinanlegg med sine tre fjellsider ligger 30 minutter nord for Lillehammer og er et skisted med løyper i hele spekteret fra barneområder for de minste, til svarte løyper med olympisk standard. Her kan du booke hotell, hytter, leiligheter, heiskort, skiutleie, skiskole, kurs og konferanse.

            Hafjell og Kvitfjell

            Hunderveien 122
            2636 Øyer