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Arctic Frontiers 2022 (Photo: David Jensen @jensenmedia/Arctic Frontiers).
Arctic Frontiers 2022 (Photo: David Jensen @jensenmedia/Arctic Frontiers).

Nyhet -

Akvaplan-niva at Arctic Frontiers 2024

Akvaplan-niva initiated Arctic Frontiers i 2007 in collaboration with a small group of partners. From 2019 Arctic Frontiers AS was established as a Akvaplan-niva owned daughter company. However, there is a powerful and large group of partners that take actively part in the development of this important platform for Arctic discourse. The 2024 edition of the Arctic Frontiers conference "Actions and Reactions" has en exciting program and Akvaplan-niva is involved in both the Science, Side-event and Young programs.

Monday Jan 29th

11.00-12.30 SIDE-EVENT

Title: Comprehensive Monitoring Solutions using Autonomous Platforms and Digital Elements to Enhance Observing Capabilities in the North

Organisers: Akvaplan-niva/Lionel Camus, Kongsberg Satellite Services and Kongsberg Discovery.

Speakers: Geir Huse/Institute of Marine Research, Morten Skedsmo/KSAT, Peer Fietzek/Kongsberg Discovery, Hanne Sagen/Nansen Center, Lionel Camus/Akvaplan-niva

11.00-12.30 SIDE-EVENT

Title: Challenges and Solutions to Sustainable Management of Cumulative Risk in High North Ecosystems

Organisers: The Fram Centre research program CLEAN.


Raul Primicerio, Professor, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (UiT)
Lisa Bjørnsdatter Helgason, Director of the Environment Department, County Govenor Troms.
Mette Mauritzen, The Institute of Marine Research,
Vito De Lucia, Director, The Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS)
Rolf Rødven, Executive Secretary, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)

SCIENCE session Healthy Marine Arctic Ecosystems

11:55 Geir Skeie (Akvaplan-niva): Advanced Simulations of Impacts from Large Oil Spills on Six Commercially Important Fish Stocks in the North Atlantic.
16:00 Cathrine Stephansen (Akvaplan-niva): ERA Acute for the Marginal Ice Zone – a simplified ecosystem-based approach using dynamic ice data.
16:20 Sabine Cochrane (Akvaplan-niva): Linking marine biodiversity, changes in ecosystem functioning and services with societal goods and benefits

Tuesday Jan 30th

17.30-19.00 SIDE-EVENT

Title: The future Barents Sea ecosystem: adapting and managing for 2050 and beyond

Organizers: Akvaplan-niva/Paul Renaud & Trude Borch, UiB & Bjernes Centre for Climate Research/Marius Årthun, UiT/The Nansen Legacy Project


Marius Årthun (University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research): 'The future Barents Sea - a synthesis of physical, ecological and biogeochemical changes toward 2050 and 2100'

Per Sandberg (Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries) 'Management of fisheries under climate change'

Benedicte Nielsen (The Norwegian Fishermens Sales Organisation): 'Warming of the Barent Sea – how will it impact fishing?'

The whole week:

YOUNG PROGRAM "Emerging Leaders"

Akvaplan-niva representative this year is Oda Sofie Bye Wilhelmsen.

Oda Sofie Bye Wilhelmsen (Foto: Marius Fiskum).

Director at Akvaplan-niva, Merete N. Kristiansen, will hold the Opening Remark at a reception for the Emerging Leaders. She will also be the host of a partner breakfast with Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide as a guest.

Read more about Arctic Frontiers: https://arcticfrontiers.com/





Merete Kristiansen

Merete Kristiansen

Administrerende direktør +47 975 18 909
Trude Borch

Trude Borch

Pressekontakt Seniorrådgiver +47 979 65 179

Relatert innhold

Fra forskning til verdiskaping

Akvaplan-niva AS er et forsknings- og rådgivingsselskap i NIVA-gruppen (Norsk institutt for vannforskning). NIVA-gruppen består av stiftelsen NIVA, og de heleide datterselskapene Akvaplan-niva AS, NIVA Chile og NIVA China Ltd med over 400 ansatte og sterke fagmiljø. Akvaplan-niva har hovedkontor i Framsenteret i Tromsø og kontorer i Alta, Bodø, Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen og Reykjavik. Vi har pr i dag 130 ansatte. Vår forskningsstasjon FISK ligger på Kvaløya, ca 2 mil fra Tromsø sentrum.

Vi tilbyr rådgivningstjenester og FoU-bistand innen akvakultur for alle vann-tilknyttede miljøutfordringer. Forskning er en meget viktig del av vår virksomhet og våre forskere har kompetanse innen biologi, økologi, økotoksikologi, kjemi og oseanografi. Våre viktigste kundegrupper er havbruksnæringen, energi-sektoren og ulike forskningsfond. Akvaplan-niva er ISO 9001 sertifisert og har egne kjemiske og biologiske laboratorier som er akkreditert i henhold til anerkjente standarder.


Hjalmar Johansens gate 14
9007 Tromsø