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Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies op HISTORY Channel
Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies op HISTORY Channel

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LONDEN, VK: maandag 10 januari 2022

HISTORY Channel is op een missie om de waarheid achter enkele van de meest meeslepende buitenaardse ontmoetingen te achterhalen in een gloednieuwe serie, Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies.

Het programma wordt gepresenteerd door Craig Charles, muziek-dj bij BBC 6, en Sarah Cruddas, de beroemde ruimtejournalist, astrofysicus en bekroond auteur. HISTORY Channel onderzoekt het bewijsmateriaal met de vraag of er onverklaarbare verschijnselen in de lucht hangen en, nog veel belangrijker, waarom?

In iedere aflevering gaat Craig, in het VK bekend door zijn rollen in Coronation Street en Red Dwarf, op onderzoek uit naar een aantal van de meest iconische en verbijsterende buitenaardse incidenten van de afgelopen jaren (velen in de VK). Hij doet daarbij een beroep op Sarah's wetenschappelijke expertise.

Parallel aan het onderzoek van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie naar niet-geïdentificeerde luchtverschijnselen, dat werd uitgebracht door het Amerikaanse Congres in juni 2021, blikt de serie terug op een reeks onverklaarbare incidenten. Deze variëren van de beruchte 'Tic Tac'-waarnemingen tot de beelden die in 2004 werden vastgelegd door US Navy Pilots en van de interstellaire bezoeker 'Oumuamua' in oktober 2017, tot historische waarnemingen en ontmoetingen, zoals het Rendlesham Forest-incident in Suffolk in 1980 en de vermeende alien-ontvoering van Alan Godfrey, een politieagent in Yorkshire.

De serie onderzoekt populaire ufo-plekken in IerlandSchotland, een klein stadje in Zuid-Wales dat schijnbaar getuige was van militaire conflicten met een ufo en een ontelbaar aantal onverklaarbare waarnemingen in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Puerto Rico en Chili.

Het team onderzoekt iedere ufowaarneming in een speciaal gecreëerde 'onderzoekshub'. Hier nemen ze het bewijsmateriaal, waaronder nooit eerder gepubliceerde getuigenissen en verontrustende documentatie, onder de loep en proberen te bepalen of er een ‘aardse verklaring’ is of dat het gewoonweg buiten het bereik van de gangbare wetenschap ligt.

Craig en Sarah bouwen iedere aflevering aan een case. Ze worden daarin bijgestaan door ooggetuigen en klokkenluiders maar ook door gerenommeerde ufo-experts zoals Nick Pope, voormalig ufo-onderzoeker van het Ministerie van Defensie en Phillip Mantle, voormalig hoofd van BUFORA (de Britse ufo-onderzoeksorganisatie). Samen vergelijken ze baanbrekende ufowaarnemingen, onderzoeken historische documenten en onthullen schokkende regeringsgeheimen, voordat ze uiteindelijk de grote vraag stellen: zijn we alleen in het universum?

Craig Charles zei: “We kregen de kans om een aantal van s’ werelds meest ongelooflijke voorvallen te onderzoeken en verbluffende getuigenissen te horen. Door Sarah en haar wetenschappelijke expertise konden we bergen aan bewijsmateriaal doorspitten om uit te vinden wat er allemaal gebeurd in ons luchtruim. De hele ervaring was een eye-opener en zorgde er soms voor dat we gewoonweg niet tot een aardse conclusie konden komen!”

Sarah Cruddas zei: “We leven in een ongelooflijke tijd voor het verkennen van de ruimte, maar we beginnen nog maar net te begrijpen wat zich daar begeeft. Door Craig’s passie en enthousiasme te combineren met mijn eigen drang voor het vinden van bewijsmateriaal, hebben we als nooit tevoren kunnen onderzoeken wat zich allemaal afspeelt in de ruimte. Sommige antwoorden zijn waarschijnlijk zo vreemd dat je het nooit zelf zou kunnen bedenken.”

De gloednieuwe serie gaat vanaf dinsdag 25 januari om 22.20 uur in première op HISTORY Channel. Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies zal deel uitmaken van het terugkerende Mystery Season op HISTORY Channel en zal worden vergezeld door exclusieve premières van The UnXplained met William Shatner en Curse Of Oak Island. HISTORY Channel is te kijken via Ziggo| KPN | Caiway | Delta | Canal Digitaal | T-Mobile | | Tele2 | Telenet | Telfort | Trinded | Kabel Noord | Cai Harderwijk | Proximus | Stipte | TV Vlaanderen.


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Aflevering 1: Wales Tuesday 25 January, 22.20

In 2016, multiple witnesses in and around the village of Pentyrch, South Wales, describe seeing a vast triangular UFO appearing in the night sky, ejecting smaller red and green craft before engaging in a battle with the British Air Force, culminating in its apparent shooting down. Residents describe shaking buildings, violent explosions, inexplicably damaged trees and mysterious teams of unknown people involved in a clandestine clean-up. The official military line was that this was merely a training exercise, but those who saw the event first-hand refuse to accept this explanation. Craig and Sarah go deep in this gripping UFO case as they attempt to discover if there’s been a top-level cover up. The pair examine video evidence of the alleged UFO crash site and consider natural phenomena before looking at an electromagnetic survey of the crash site, as news of another triangular UFO caught on US Navy camera, known as ‘the Pyramid’, shot from the deck of USS Russell in 2019, is officially confirmed as genuine by the US Navy.

Aflevering 2: Ireland Tuesday 1 February, 22.20

Every year, thousands of UFOs are encountered by civilian and military pilots around the world. Many go unreported. Craig and Sarah scrutinise the phenomenon and take a closer look at an astonishing case that took place in November 2018 off the west coast of Ireland, in which multiple pilots saw bizarre lights through their cockpit windows. Ted Roe, Director of Research at NARCAP (National Aviation Reporting Centre) shares extraordinary insights into the sighting, while an ex-NATO air traffic controller, under the cover of anonymity, acts as a whistle-blower, spilling more secrets of the sky and the shocking lengths that governments are prepared to go to hide the truth. Chris McMurray of the Northern Irish UFO Society (NIUFOS) provides more evidence of a UFO hot spot, including analysis of recent sighting in Northern Ireland. Nick Pope shares two more gripping cases of UFOs seen by pilots up in the sky; an orb sighted by commercial pilots over Mexico in 2020, and a bizarre UFO caught on camera in 2014 by a naval helicopter pilot in Chile. Research astronomer Dr Eamonn Ansbro delivers the results of years of study which suggest the earth is under alien surveillance.

Aflevering 3: The Pentagon Tuesday 8 February, 22.20

In this extraordinary episode Craig and Sarah take on the US Navy UAP videos: the ‘Tic-Tac’ footage, filmed from the USS Nimitz in 2004 off San-Diego, and the ‘Go-Fast’ and ‘Gimbal’ videos filmed between 2014 and 2015 off the East Coast in the Atlantic from the USS Theodore RooseveltUS Navy Petty Officer Jason Turner (since retired) – who served on the USS Princeton, which was alongside the USS Nimitz at the time of the ‘Tic-Tac’ incident – shares his first-hand experience of seeing the crew react to the footage as it arrived back on board and believes there’s more footage the public hasn’t seen. Whistle-blower Luis Elizondo, former Director of AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) - a shadowy organisation in the US government - provides insight into what else the government may be hiding, and the personal risks he has taken in his fight for the truth. Craig and Sarah also consider the impact of the UAP report to Congress in June 2021 and reveal the latest US Navy UAP sighting to be verified by the Pentagon; a flying pyramid filmed from the deck of destroyer USS Russell in July 2019. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell offers his own insight into this footage and the phenomenon as well as discussing the new ‘submerging sphere’ footage filmed by the crew of the USS Omaha in 2019.

Aflevering 4: Rendlesham Tuesday 15 February, 22.20

Over the past 50 years a fascinating pattern has emerged, linking UFOs with military personnel and installations. One of the most significant of these events took place on British soil, deep in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, in 1980. The now infamous ‘Rendlesham incident’ involved numerous witnesses from the American Air Force who were stationed in nearby RAF Woodbridge. Craig and Sarah pore over every scrap of available evidence relating to the Rendlesham incident, including the audio recording made by based commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt when he and a patrol of men went to investigate lights in the forest that fateful night. Craig and Sarah talk to science writer and journalist Ian Ridpath, who was one of the first to report on the sighting, as well as to Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt himself, who, for forty years, has stuck to his story and who delivers powerful first-hand testimony on what happened in the forest and the elaborate cover-up he claims followed. Nick Pope, who personally investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence, provides remarkable details of the case, revealing how vital evidence was seized by the US Air Force, as well as discussing another UFO sighting within the grounds of the shadowy ‘Area 51’ in the Nevada desert, captured on camera at the Nellis Air Force base in 1994.

Aflevering 5: Scotland Tuesday 22 February, 22.20

Central Scotland has its very own Area 51, known as the ‘Falkirk Triangle’, encompassing the now infamous village of Bonnybridge, which claims the highest concentration of the region’s UFO activity. The team examine cases including the 1991 sighting captured on camera flying over Polmont Reservoir, and the flying saucer over Craigluscar Reservoir in 1994. They also investigate the alleged abduction of Robert Taylor in 1979, the only UFO incident to have been officially investigated by the British Police. Robert, a forestry worker, was in Dechmont woods, West Lothian, when he claimed he came face-to-face with a dome-shaped craft. It allegedly emitted electrical charges which reportedly dragged Robert along the ground before he lost consciousness. Malcolm Robinson, UFO expert and close confidant of Robert Taylor, reveals details of the police investigation and shows Craig and Sarah the torn trousers Robert was wearing. Nick Pope gives fascinating insight into the scale of the Scottish UFO phenomenon and shares his experience of investigating similar cases.

Aflevering 6: Phoenix Lights Tuesday 1 March, 22.20

In 1997, over the city of Phoenix, Arizona, one of the most spectacular mass UFO sighting of all time took place. Thousands of people witnessed a series of bright orange orbs moving in formation silently overhead. Despite hours of video and photographic evidence this case remains unexplained. Craig and Sarah take on the extraordinary ‘Phoenix Lights’ case, first speaking to eyewitness nurse David Parker who provides a vivid description of his close-up encounter with a huge boomerang-shaped UFO that passed directly overhead. Craig and Sarah investigate the response by the authorities in the days following the UFO event, in particular a press conference called by the former governor of Arizona, Fife Symington, whose bizarre stunt humiliated witnesses like David Parker into silence for years, only for Symington himself to do a 90-degree U-turn later in his career and confess that he too witnessed the unexplained apparition. Former Councilwoman and Vice Mayor Frances Barwood tells her own story of a desperate fight to get answers for the people of Phoenix, enduring institutionalised ridicule and suppression along the way.

Aflevering 7: Chicago Tuesday 8 March, 22.20

In this episode, Craig and Sarah take on the extraordinary Chicago O’Hare case of November 2006 – a mass sighting of a flying saucer hovering over a United Airlines airport gate. The incident was witnessed by multiple aviation professionals, pilots and passengers. The immediate aftermath of the event was captured in real time by audio recordings of communication between the airport’s Air Traffic Control tower and airline staff, but the sighting was dismissed by the US government’s Federal Aviation Administration as a weather phenomenon. Craig and Sarah speak to UFO investigator Robert Powell, Executive Board member of The Scientific Coalition for UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Studies, who reveals the UFO punched a circular hole in the clouds as it departed upwards after hovering over the terminal. Craig and Sarah learn astonishing details about how aviation authorities handled the incident from Ted Roe, Director of Research at NARCAP (National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena).

Aflevering 8: PC Alan Godfrey / 'Abductions' Tuesday 15 March, 22.20

This episode delves into the most mystifying and alarming of alleged extra-terrestrial experiences: alien abduction. The most remarkable case to have ever taken place on British soil was the infamous abduction of Yorkshire policeman Alan Godfrey in November 1980. The team stop at nothing to get to the bottom of Godfrey’s compelling claims he was confronted head on by a diamond shaped craft hovering in the road as he was coming off his night shift more than 40 years ago. Even more extraordinary is that Alan lost 25 minutes – what could have been responsible for this ‘missing time’? In a bid to find the truth about what happened to Alan, Craig and Sarah learn about alien abduction cases from around the world and scrutinise the similarities. UFO researcher and podcaster Nik Hunter discloses the devastating impact that the experience had on Alan Godfrey’s police career. Leading UFO investigator Jenny Randles provides evidence that Alan’s encounter cannot be explained by a natural or scientific occurrence and that the case was taken far more seriously by the UK authorities that they would care to admit.

Aflevering 9: Stephenville Tuesday 22 March, 22.20

In January 2008, a shadow was cast over the town of Stephenville, Texas, when a UFO passed overhead at supersonic speed. The event was witnesses by scores of stunned locals who remain desperate for answers on what exactly they saw that winter’s evening. Craig and Sarah speak to eyewitness private pilot Steve Allen who was with friends when he saw a vast UFO passing overhead at a speed estimated to be 2000mph. He describes the craft as having an array of bright, high-intensity lights at its rear – and pursued by two US Air Force F16 fighter jets. The team discover that the US military, who initially denied any knowledge of this event, changed their story in the weeks following the incident, adding fuel to the theory that there could be a high-level cover-up. They talk to experienced UFO researcher Rob Swiatek from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who shares radar data analysis from the time of the incident.

Aflevering 10: SETI Tuesday 29 March, 22.20

In October 2017, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS observatory saw something strange in our solar system - an object they named ‘Oumuamua’, the very first observed visitor from interstellar space. Its highly unusual properties and inexplicable acceleration have left scientists divided, with some believing this ‘UFO’ was alien in origin. Craig and Sarah talk to Senior Astronomer Dr Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute, who shares his theories of what Oumuamua could possibly be and postulates that the very fact it entered our solar system at all is the best argument of all for it being alien. The team examine the ‘Drake Equation’, used to estimate the odds of finding extra-terrestrial intelligent life. The results suggest that it’s highly likely there are thousands of advanced civilisations in our Milky Way.

We hear from Harvard’s Professor Avi Loeb, who has been the leading voice in the argument that Oumuamua is artificial in origin, suggesting that it could be a ‘message in a bottle telling us we’re not alone’. Dr. Nathalie Cabrol, a SETI astrobiologist, talks to Craig and Sarah about what extra-terrestrial life might look like and where we can find it. She is convinced that life both basic and intelligent very likely exists, and some advanced civilisation could be capable of traversing the vastness of space to reach Earth. Finally, CEO of SETI Bill Diamond confirms Oumuamua is like nothing the world has ever seen before and that there is yet no credible conventional scientific explanation.

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A + E Networks® UK, een joint venture tussen Hearst en Sky, is een toonaangevend medianetwerk dat 60 miljoen huishoudens in 100 landen bereikt. Met ons portfolio van populaire, goed presterende en creatieve merken - HISTORY® Channel, Crime + Investigation®, Lifetime®, HISTORY2® en UK free to air BLAZE® - vermaken en inspireren we ons publiek al meer dan 20 jaar: we vertellen de verhalen die verteld moeten worden. Zowel onze feitelijke als entertainment programma’s zijn bekroond en omvatten wereldwijde hits zoals Forged in Fire en Born This Way, en niet te missen dramaseries zoals Knightfall en Vikings. Daarnaast werken we ook aan originele, plaatselijke opdrachten, waaronder: Al Murray's Why Does Everyone Hate the English, Murdertown with Katherine Kelly (VK), Married at First Sight (Afrika) en The Hunt for Baltic Gold (Polen). We vullen onze programmering aan met best beoordeelde podcasts en innovatieve, exclusieve digitale inhoud wat wordt begeleid door industrietalent. We werken momenteel samen met meer dan 360 partners die onze programma’s uitzenden in de Scandinavische landen, de Benelux, Centraal-Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika. We hebben kantoren in Londen, Warschau en Johannesburg.


Joanna Fellows

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