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Trond Sundnes (46) appointed new CEO of NHST Media Group
Trond Sundnes (46) appointed new CEO of NHST Media Group

Press release -

New group CEO appointed for NHST Media Group

The Board of Directors of NHST Media Group has appointed Trond Sundnes (46) as the new Group CEO. He´s main responsibilities will be the Norwegian and international media publications and group functions. He takes the role after being CEO of NHST Global Publications and has previously held various positions in the group since 2007.

“Trond has been decisive for the digital transformation of both our Norwegian and Global publications in recent years. The board is impressed with what he and his teams have achieved both with the development of business models, growth, digital transformation, and product development. The fact that he also has a broad journalistic background makes the board confident that he is the right person to take on this role. We are especially pleased that we were able to recruit for this position internally”, says Chairman of the board, Anette S. Olsen.

“I am really looking forward to taking on this new role. I know what I can expect: skilled colleagues, extremely strong brands, and a great will and desire to become even better. I’m eager to get started,” says Sundnes.

Sundnes will at the same time become Chairman of the Board of Dagens Næringsliv. In his new role, he will work to further develop cooperation and synergies between within the group.

“In recent years, we have developed strong collaboration and learning across the group, including in technology and content,” says Sundnes.

“Now the goal is to build even stronger publications that can grow. This will ensure that we can continue to deliver great journalism, both in Norway and internationally,” says Sundnes.

Sundnes joined DN as a financial reporter in 2007 and worked in various editorial roles before moving on in 2015 to lead the expansion of DN's development department. In 2018, he took over as head of NHST's niche publications in Norway and abroad.

Sundnes has twice won the Skup Prize for the best investigative story in Norway. He has previously worked for VG, Vårt Land and Vikebladet-Vestposten.

NHST’s SaaS-companies Mynewsdesk and Mention Solutions will continue to report to NHST Media Group CFO, Baard Haugen, as chairman of both companies. In this role, Haugen will report directly to the board of NHST Media Group.

About NHST Media Group: The group aims to be the leading business publisher in Norway, and a world leader in three sectors: shipping, seafood and energy. Its publications are characterized by rigorous and high-quality journalism. The titles offer both current news and exclusive insight to inform, surprise and engage readers. NHST currently includes the following publications: Dagens Næringsliv, TradeWinds, Fiskeribladet,,, Upstream, Recharge and Europower/Enerwe.

Trond Sundnes + 47 91 60 02 14


Trond Sundnes

Trond Sundnes

Press contact CEO 91600214

A leading business news provider

The NHST Media Group aims to be the best and leading provider of business news in Norway and a world leader in the following three market segments: shipping, seafood, and oil & gas. All our publications are to be characterised by journalistic thoroughness and quality, as well as by an ability to find the exclusive news that will surprise and involve our readers.

NHST Media Group

Christian Kroghs gate 16
PO Box 1182 Sentrum, N-0107 Oslo, Norway

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