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  • The group's provisional operating profit for the year as a whole was NOK 44m, compared with NOK 9m in 2011
  • The 4th quarter saw an operating profit of NOK 9m, as against a loss of NOK 13m in the same quarter of the previous year
  • Group revenues in 2012 were NOK 1,200m, up 2% on the previous year at current exchange rates
  • In the 4th quarter of 2012 revenues were NOK 312m, up 2% on the same quarter of the previous year
  • The improvement in profits is mainly due to more efficient operation
  • For the Global publications growth was around 3% higher at fixed exchange rates
  • NHST Media Group acquired ddp direct GmbH in Germany in December 2012
  • The figures for the quarter and the full year are affected by a change in accounting policies for MyNewsdesk and previous year’s numbers have been restated to preserve comparability (see section on Digital & Nordic)
  • The Board of Directors is recommending a dividend of NOK 11 per share, up from NOK 5,45 in 2011.




Trond Sundnes

Trond Sundnes

Press contact CEO 91600214

A leading business news provider

The NHST Media Group aims to be the best and leading provider of business news in Norway and a world leader in the following three market segments: shipping, seafood, and oil & gas. All our publications are to be characterised by journalistic thoroughness and quality, as well as by an ability to find the exclusive news that will surprise and involve our readers.

NHST Media Group

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