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Carbon Neutrality Strategic Roadmap
Carbon Neutrality Strategic Roadmap

Press release -

NGK has established a target for net zero volume of carbon dioxide emissions by 2050

NGK INSULATORS, LTD. has announced the NGK Group Environmental Vision for 2050 and the Fifth Five-Year Environmental Action Plan as a five-year initiative beginning in FY2021.

As a policy that represents the E (Environment) in this ESG management, we announced the NGK Group Environmental Vision, which established targets such as net zero volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050.
With regard to the environmental action plan, which is formulated every five years, the NGK Group formulated the Fifth Five-Year Environmental Action Plan, which continues development of previous action plans, and established concrete goals as an initiative for an initial five-year period (FY2021-FY2025) in order to achieve the NGK Group Environmental Vision.

NGK Group Environmental Vision

The NGK Group will contribute to the realization of society’s direction toward “carbon neutrality,” “a recycling-oriented society,” and “harmony with nature” through its business activities.

Toward carbon neutrality

We will develop and provide products and services that contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society and apply them to our own business activities in order to achieve our goal of net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.

Toward a recycling-oriented society

We will contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society by reducing our natural resource consumption and developing and providing resource-efficient products.

Toward harmony with nature

We will minimize our environmental impact on ecosystems and raise stakeholder awareness through educational activities in order to achieve harmony with nature.

With regard to carbon neutrality, we have formulated the Carbon Neutrality Strategic Roadmap in order to achieve our goals. We have set a milestone (mid-term goal) of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% from FY2013 by FY2030. In order to achieve our goals ahead of schedule, we will promote technology related to hydrogen and CCU/CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Utilization / Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage).

<Carbon Neutrality Strategic Roadmap>

Outline of the Fifth Five-Year Environmental Action Plan

The NGK Group establishes initiatives toward carbon neutrality, a recycling-oriented society, and harmony with nature, which are themes related to the NGK Group Environmental Vision, as priority items. For initiatives toward carbon neutrality, which is a particularly urgent issue, we have established the following goals for FY2025, the final year of the plan.

CO2 emissions: 550,000 metric tons (Reduce by 25% from FY2013)

Although we previously used basic unit per net sales as a management index for CO2, we have established net zero CO2 emissions by 2050, which is a goal of the NGK Group Environmental Vision, as a backcasting goal.

Renewable energy use rate: 50%

We have established a new target for Renewable energy use rate concerning electricity consumption by the NGK Group. Achieving this target will not only bring the NGK Group closer to achieving net zero carbon emissions but also help promote more widespread adoption of renewable energy in society.

*Reduction rate against BAU (business as usual) indicates the percentage rate of reductions compared to a case in which emissions are not reduced.
*Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework targets: 20 individual targets which are due to be adopted at the 15th Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) held in China in October 2021.

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About NGK Insulators

NGK Insulators (NGK) is a leading company in the field of ceramics. Since its foundation in 1919, NGK has used its unique ceramic technology to provide numerous ground-breaking products that solve social issues. Today, NGK is active in more than 20 countries worldwide, with business foci including mobility, energy, IT and industry.

As one of the largest manufacturers of ceramic substrates for automotive catalytic converters, NGK is actively reducing the strain on our global environment. Furthermore, NGK’s products include the energy storage system “NAS” battery, in addition to the compact, thin and high-energy-density lithium-ion rechargeable “EnerCera” battery line, vital tools for sustainable energy infrastructure.

Through providing innovative, high-quality products, NGK is committed to contributing to our society. In order to create a future where people can coexist with nature, we will continue to develop and provide products that support social infrastructure while preserving the environment. 


Aki Sawafuji

Press contact Corporate Communications Department

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Surprising Ceramics.

NGK Insulators (NGK) is a leading company in the field of ceramics. Since its foundation in 1919, NGK has used its unique ceramic technology to provide numerous ground-breaking products that solve social issues. Today, NGK is active in more than 20 countries worldwide, with business foci including mobility, energy, IT and industry.

As one of the largest manufacturers of ceramic substrates for automotive catalytic converters, NGK is actively reducing the strain on our global environment. Furthermore, NGK’s products include the energy storage system “NAS” battery, in addition to the compact, thin and high-energy-density lithium-ion rechargeable “EnerCera” battery line, vital tools for sustainable energy infrastructure.

Through providing innovative, high-quality products, NGK is committed to contributing to our society. In order to create a future where people can coexist with nature, we will continue to develop and provide products that support social infrastructure while preserving the environment.


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