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Achieve Safer, Smarter, and Faster Loading With a 3D Virtual Truck Loading Solution

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Achieve Safer, Smarter, and Faster Loading With a 3D Virtual Truck Loading Solution

Among the latest innovations in steel construction digitalization is SDS2 Load Planning, the industry’s first 3D truck loading solution. Launched in 2018, SDS2 Load Planning offers a virtual load planner that has proven to enhance workplace safety, optimize loading and handling, and shorten project completion times, bringing a new competitive advantage to fabricators and detailers.

Enhance Workplace Safety

A company’s people are its most valuable assets. Load Planning helps businesses keep them safe by allowing users to create and refine their entire loading plans in a safe virtual environment before any members are placed on the trailer. While the standard load lists often leave room for guesswork and trial-and-error loading processes, Load Planning provides a clear and comprehensive loading plan that eliminates unnecessary handling and subsequently reduces the risk of accidents in the shop.

Optimize Loading and Minimize Material Handling

3D BIM software has proven to increase accuracy, efficiency, and reliability in steel fabrication; it only makes sense that a 3D model-based load planner can do the same for the truck loading process.

In Load Planning users can create optimized loading plans directly from their IFC models for a seamless, accurate workflow from fabrication to transport.

With automated and manual control options, users can virtually place and manipulate members on the truck, correcting mistakes before they happen. As load plans are created, Load Planning automatically calculates weights and balances and analyzes center of gravity. While traditional load lists provide only weights, Load Planning also considers geometry, ensuring tighter fits and potentially reducing the number of loads that get shipped out.

Teams equipped with these optimized, easy-to-follow loading plans have reduced their material handling—most fabricators’ number one cost—by up to 50 percent.

Accelerate Project Timelines

Saving time on loading and offloading leads to a shorter overall timeline for project completion, and there’s no question that manipulating members in a virtual environment is faster than doing so in the shop. But that’s only the beginning of the time-saving possibilities users are finding with Load Planning.

Knowing the loading plan ahead of time, users can reverse engineer the entire fabrication process with loading and offloading efficiency in mind, which creates opportunities to optimize timelines throughout the entire project.



About the Nemetschek Group

The Nemetschek Group is a pioneer for digital transformation in the AEC/O industry. With its intelligent software solutions, it covers the entire lifecycle of building and infrastructure projects and guides its customers into the future of digitalization. As one of the leading corporate groups worldwide in this sector, the Nemetschek Group increases quality in the building process and improves the digital workflow of all those involved in the building process. Customers can design, build and manage buildings more efficiently, sustainably and resource-saving. The focus is on the use of open standards (OPEN BIM). The portfolio also includes digital solutions for visualization, 3D modeling, and animation. The innovative products of the 15 brands of the Nemetschek Group in the four customer-oriented segments are used by approximately six million users worldwide. Founded by Prof. Georg Nemetschek in 1963, the Nemetschek Group today employs more than 3,000 experts.

Publicly listed since 1999 and quoted on the MDAX and TecDAX, the company achieved revenue amounting to EUR 596.9 million and an EBITDA of EUR 172.3 million in 2020.


Alexander Siegmund

Alexander Siegmund

Press contact Senior Manager Digital Media +49 89 540459-255
Ulrike Beringer

Ulrike Beringer

Press contact Director Corporate Communication & CSR +49/162 2625459
Stefanie Zimmermann

Stefanie Zimmermann

Press contact Investor Relations +49 89 540459 250
Maria Richtsfeld

Maria Richtsfeld

Press contact Communication Specialist +49/173 1603709

About the Nemetschek Group

The Nemetschek Group is a globally leading software provider for digital transformation in the AEC/O and media industries. Its intelligent software solutions cover the entire lifecycle of building and infrastructure projects and enable creatives to optimize their workflows.

Nemetschek SE

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich

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