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Marie Autissier, Self-portrait, 1817. Photo: Anna Danielsson/Nationalmuseum.
Marie Autissier, Self-portrait, 1817. Photo: Anna Danielsson/Nationalmuseum.

Press release -

New book about Nationalmuseum’s miniature paintings – a world-class collection

Nationalmuseum is publishing a new book about its collection of miniature paintings. The book’s author, Magnus Olausson, has been working with this collection for more than 30 years. This is the first comprehensive survey in Swedish of miniature painting as an art form, but also the first complete presentation in English of the museum’s collection.

Nationalmuseum has the world’s biggest collection of miniature paintings, comprising 5,700 works, mainly portraits, by Swedish and European artists from the 16th to the mid 20th century. What makes this collection noteworthy is not only its volume, but also its depth and breadth. A lavishly illustrated book now being published in Swedish and English is intended to be a comprehensive survey of the history of miniature painting, featuring examples from Nationalmuseum. The book traces the development of miniature painting over five centuries from exclusive art form to the preserve of ordinary people.

Magnus Olausson, now director of collections at Nationalmuseum, was tasked in 1988 with cataloguing the 4,000-plus miniature paintings in the museum’s collection bequeathed by Carl Fredrik Dahlgren, a 19th-century judge and art collector. This proved to be an exciting journey of discovery, explaining many mysteries and revealing hidden treasures. In parallel with the cataloguing work, Nationalmuseum embarked on extensive efforts to supplement its miniatures collection with newly acquired works by important but previously unrepresented artists. In all, over 450 miniatures have been added to the collection over the years, radically changing its composition and making it much more representative. The foundation for these acquisitions was laid by Hjalmar and Carl August Wicander’s endowment of a dedicated fund for the acquisition and conservation of miniatures. Hjalmar Wicander also donated several exclusive miniatures to Nationalmuseum, which are now part of the collection.

Individual works and artists are featured in the book, with some artistic directions covered in more detail than others. The same applies to certain countries that have achieved particular prominence in the miniature painting field. Readers can also learn about the artist–client relationship, the use and function of miniatures, manuals, collections and historical accounts. There is a special section devoted to materials and techniques, written by Cecilia Rönnerstam, miniature paintings conservator at Nationalmuseum.

The book, titled Miniature Paintings in Nationalmuseum. A World-Class Collection, is on sale in the Nationalmuseum gift shop and online shop. Many of the pieces mentioned in the book are among the 1,000 miniature portraits on show in Nationalmuseum’s Treasury.

Media enquiries
Hanna Tottmar, head of press,, + 46 8 5195 4400


Nationalmuseum is Sweden’s museum of art and design. The collections comprise some 700 000 objects, including paintings, sculpture, drawings and graphic art from the 16th century up to the beginning of the 20th century and the collection of applied art and design up to the present day. Nationalmuseum’s responsibility is to preserve and make art accessible and provide knowledge.


Head of Press

Head of Press

Press contact Hanna Tottmar +46 (0)8 5195 4400

Welcome to Nationalmuseum Sweden!

Nationalmuseum is Sweden’s museum of art and design. The collections include paintings, sculpture, drawings and graphic art from the 16th century up to the beginning of the 20th century and the collection of applied art and design up to the present day. The total amount of objects is around 700,000. .

The emphasis of the collection of paintings is on Swedish 18th and 19th century painting. Dutch painting from the 17th century is also well represented, and the French 18th century collection is regarded as one of the best in the world. The works are made by artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Goya, Boucher, Watteau, Renoir and Degas as well as Swedish artists such as Anders Zorn, Carl Larsson, Ernst Josephson and Carl Fredrik Hill.

The collection of applied art and design consists of objects such as ceramics, textiles, glass and precious and non-precious metals as well as furniture and books etc. The collection of prints and drawings comprises works by Rembrandt, Watteau, Manet, Sergel, Carl Larsson, Carl Fredrik Hill and Ernst Josephson. Central are the 2,000 master drawings that Carl Gustaf Tessin acquired during his tour of duty as Sweden's ambassador to France in the 18th century.

Art and objects from Nationalmuseum’s collections can also be seen at several royal palaces such as Gripsholm, Drottningholm, Strömsholm, Rosersberg and Ulriksdal as well as in the Swedish Institute in Paris. The museum administers the Swedish National Portrait Gallery at Gripsholm Castle, the world’s oldest national portrait gallery and the Gustavsberg collection with approximately 45,000 objects manufactured at the Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory. Nationalmuseum also curates exhibitions at Nationalmuseum Jamtli and the Gustavsberg Porcelain Museum.

Nationalmuseum is a government authority with a mandate to preserve cultural heritage and promote art, interest in art and knowledge of art and that falls within the remit of the Swedish Ministry of Culture.