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Analytics on Mynewsdesk just got better

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Analytics on Mynewsdesk just got better

Fuelled by a desire to give our customers first-rate insights and intelligence into how successful their PR activities are, Mynewsdesk’s team of designers and developers have worked tirelessly to deliver statistics that are more accurate and effectively presented.

After extensive research, design, and development, we proudly present our new and improved Analyse.

Analysis is Key

Increasingly, PR pros are being asked to show a return on investment, to prove their worth. Analysing the various PR campaigns allows for insights into consumer attitudes and an understanding of the successes and shortcomings of these campaigns. The more you know, the more you can improve, right?

Well, this is exactly what Mynewsdesk’s revamped Analyse tool offers our customers, greater knowledge. 

You can understand how your content on Mynewsdesk is spread on the web, which stories are most popular, and how effective your newsroom is as a hub for press material and company news. With information like this, you can easily see what works and what doesn’t.

The Box of Analytical Goodies

We’ve added a bunch of new features to our Analyse tool, as well as enhanced its look and feel. 

Here are some of the highlights...


You can now measure engagement in your newsroom by comparing total views with unique views, as well as seeing the average number of pages visited and average time spent in your newsroom. Then check how your published material and stories have spread throughout social media.

Email opening rates

Do you send your stories to targeted distribution lists when you publish them? Now you can see how many emails have been delivered and opened, and how many links have been clicked.


As a PR pro, you want to know how your audience found your newsroom and stories, and preferably where in the world they’re located. The new Analyse lets you do just that, by listing trackbacks and sources, as well as displaying visitors in a huge zoomable map. 

Just have time for a quick glance?

We’ve also redesigned your Dashboard on Mynewsdesk in order to give you an instant overview of the essentials, like the most popular stories, number of newsroom views, and the latest followers your newsroom has gained.

Bring your own Google Analytics

Good news for our Premium customers! You now have the opportunity to gain even more insights by adding your own Google Analytics script to your entire newsroom. 

We will add your script to the pages of your newsroom, so you can access your stats in your Google Analytics account, running your own custom reports, segments, and analyses. 

Contact us for more information on Mynewsdesk Premium. 

The new Analyse tool is now live. Log into your newsroom and start analysing!  

For questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact our expert customer support team.




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Mynewsdesk - The smart way to improve awareness and relations

Mynewsdesk helps companies create awareness, find the right audience and build strong relationships.

By providing a user-friendly online solution, Mynewsdesk simplifies and streamlines the publishing, distribution and measuring of your PR and communication efforts. All in one digital place. By consolidating all aspects of PR in one platform, brand and media monitoring is also made easy, helping companies track their engagement over time .

Mynewsdesk has 1.6 million unique visitors monthly and publishes 80,000 news stories per year. Over 4,000 companies across the globe trust Mynewsdesk’s platform to improve their PR efforts and 70% gain media uptake on their news.

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