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Without A Marketing Strategy, Recruitment Risks Losing Candidates

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Without A Marketing Strategy, Recruitment Risks Losing Candidates

With job vacancy periods being at a 15 year high, it has become more important than ever for your company to begin the candidate relationship before any initial Recruitment Marketing.

If you've ever had to to recruit internally or on behalf of a client over the last 2 years, you don’t need me to tell you that it’s has become a heavily candidate-driven market. Candidates, especially the most talented, have their pick of the job boards. They are acting more like consumers, with a wider choice of roles and with no need to directly apply for positions. In fact, the best candidates probably won’t have even considered leaving their jobs. Yet...

This means that you’re chasing them; you’re trying to catch their attention and you’re working to their plans; and that’s not to mention every other company out there looking for the same star talent just like you.

Nowadays, your company needs to gain access to the inactive talent pool using Recruitment Marketing. But what exactly is Recruitment Marketing all about?

Defining your brand reputation...

It is the opportunity for your company to define your own reputation, show talent the value of joining you and ultimately influence someone to want to work for you; all long before you have even approached them!

Candidates now have the ability to view Linkedin profiles, company Twitter/ Facebook /Instagram accounts, online reviews, blogs, social media conversations etc before even considering an application. So why would a candidate apply if they do not know who you are? 

Telling your brand's story to drive leads...

We've said it time and time again but it's true - everyone has a story to tell! And yours needs to be heard by the right candidates. 

Recruitment marketing considers that driving your own brands’ story means you can drive higher brand awareness which, in turn, leads to more applicants of a better quality, and inevitably more accepted offers!

Driving candidates down the Recruitment Marketing funnel...

Traditionally, recruitment has consisted of the Application, Screening and Hiring stages. By using Recruitment Marketing, you enable your company reach and appeal to new candidates, creating new stages before the initial application; Awareness (from your marketing), Interest and Consideration, hopefully leading into an Application.

Reflecting candidates interests in your content...

It is not just about consistently creating fun and interesting content, it’s about creating content that a potential candidate wants to read.

As mentioned, potential candidates act like customers, so they want to know more than the job description. They want to hear about all of the great things your company does! Where did you go for your last staff party? What great charities do you raise money for? What awards have you won?

Identifying your brand advocates...

If you're struggling for content, get your biggest brand ambassadors, your employees, to help you out! What do they have to say about your company and why would someone else join? Get them writing about your industry as well as your company and just as importantly make them feel involved in the company vision!

Reaching candidates at the right place, at the right time...

You could also consider jazzing up your job descriptions with imagery of your company or a video about what you do. With videos becoming the most consumed content medium on the web, it just makes sense! But furthermore, is your job page mobile responsive and can a candidate easily search and apply from their mobile?

Reach out to other industry influencers and get them speaking about you too, whether its an email or inviting them along to one of your great events, let them help you tell your story and use their influence to make a difference.

These are just a few ideas, but the more you start to create buzz about your company, whether it is your company’s news, blog or social media activity, the quicker you can start attracting the best talent or at least make it easier for you to hunt them down. And if you can do this right, you will inevitably save time and in turn money during your next hiring process!

By Chris Finnegan - Former recruiter, current digital marketing consultant!



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