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Newsrooms In Numbers | July 2015

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Newsrooms In Numbers | July 2015

Our customers use their newsrooms in some pretty clever ways, reaching wide audiences and generating coverage with just one click of a button.

Each month we’ll be taking a look at the key stats and lessons learnt from the best performing newsrooms, starting with July…

37,410 – The number of visits to the most popular newsroom. That was 24,750 more than the second most visited! Our recommendation for upping your traffic: share content across your social channels and distribute it to the contacts who are most likely to be interested, they might even spread the word for you too...

Screenshot of Stroke Associations' newsroom

2 minutes 7 seconds - The average time spent on the Stroke Association’s pages. This was closely followed by Virgin Trains who had an average of 2 minutes 6 seconds. A great way to up your average time is to keep your readers engaged with compelling content. Break-up heavy text with visual assets and subheads to improve scanability. Furthermore, make sure your story closely reflects the headline - don’t let your title lead to disappointment (and lost readers).

12,874 – The highest number of contacts belonging to one newsroom. Want our advice? While having a lot of media contacts can be great, it’s important that these are filtered into lists so that when it comes to distributing content you know that you’re firing out the right pieces to the most appropriate people. Remember: quality over quantity. 

68% of Metropolitan Police’s traffic came through mobile devices, and we’re seeing this number increase across all newsrooms, month on month. This just goes to show that traffic from handheld devices is on the rise so it’s essential that your site is mobile-friendly (Google will like it too!)

2,689 – The total number of social shares generated by the top 10 newsrooms, combined. Facebook keeps the throne (somewhat surprisingly, given the demise of its organic reach) with 2,066 of these shares. 473 shares were via Twitter and 150 on LinkedIn. As for Google+....well, we'll let you do the maths!

Norwegian Airline start low cost USA fairs

20% - Norwegian Airline's story about their low-cost flights to the USA had the highest open-rate in July. The headline "Norwegian celebrates anniversary of low-cost flights to America and announces new route to Boston" was a rather lengthy 14 words but contained enough information to encourage the clicks. The lesson here? Keep it punchy and keep it clear.

That's it for July's newsroom stats. For more tips on how to improve your newsroom or to request a demo please do get in touch - we're here and happy to help!




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