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Mynewsdesk produces new video about its services

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Mynewsdesk produces new video about its services

There’s no doubt that many a Mynewsdesk staff member has been asked the question: “So what does Mynewsdesk do?” And while we’re always happy to wax lyrical about ourselves, or provide written information as to how we help companies and individuals with their PR and comms, there’s nothing quite like a tasty bit of multimedia to concisely explain what we’re all about. Which is why we’ve put together a little video to do just that!

Follow the story of Josephine, a savvy comms professional who like most of us can sometimes get bogged down by a jam-packed workload and the multiple elements of a busy PR function.

Heading up the video’s production was Christopher Van Mossevelde, Mynewsdesk’s global content marketing manager. “What we wanted to do was create an engaging piece of visual content to give the essence of how we’re helping PR, marketing and comms professionals across the globe.

“Having analysed the types of clients we most frequently work with - and having spoken with them to find out what their pain-points are - we created Josephine and her situation to try and embody the everyday problems faced by the industry and show how we can help.”

Well everyone here at Mynewsdesk loves it Chris, so thanks for all the hard work! And of course, we hope that you guys like it as much as we do.





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Mynewsdesk - The smart way to improve awareness and relations

Mynewsdesk helps companies create awareness, find the right audience and build strong relationships.

By providing a user-friendly online solution, Mynewsdesk simplifies and streamlines the publishing, distribution and measuring of your PR and communication efforts. All in one digital place. By consolidating all aspects of PR in one platform, brand and media monitoring is also made easy, helping companies track their engagement over time .

Mynewsdesk has 1.6 million unique visitors monthly and publishes 80,000 news stories per year. Over 4,000 companies across the globe trust Mynewsdesk’s platform to improve their PR efforts and 70% gain media uptake on their news.

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