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Mynewsdesk Nominated For Two Spinn Awards

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Mynewsdesk Nominated For Two Spinn Awards

Mynewsdesk’s internet-breaking campaign, Mynewsdesk Now, has been honoured with two nominations at Spinn – Sweden’s most renowned PR awards ceremony. And to say we’re pretty chuffed would be the biggest understatement of the year!

The campaign, which followed 82 year-old Kerstin on her first steps into the digital era, was bigger than anyone at Mynewsdesk ever anticipated, receiving widespread coverage in the The Mirror, Washington Post, Reddit and beyond.

I caught-up with the lady behind the campaign, Sofia Juhlin…


How did the Spinn nomination come about?

We felt that Mynewsdesk Now had a real chance of getting recognition, so we put ourselves forward and the rest is history; it has been nominated for two categories, Best B2B Campaign and Best Content Marketing.

We were very excited when we heard the news. But, in our perspective, we’ve already won because of the results Mynewsdesk Now achieved.

What did you set out to achieve?

The plan from the start was to run with a relatively small campaign to highlight Mynewsdesk as a modern PR platform, while raising an important social issue. But the campaign escalated and every morning we were waking up to new coverage. The success of it all was so exciting!

What has the campaign taught you?

We’ve all learned so much from Mynewsdesk Now but I’d say there were three main lessons which we should keep in mind, going forward:

Firstly, working with an agency doesn’t mean you can leave them with a brief and just let them get on with it. You have to constantly work alongside them, teaching them about who you are as a brand, your positioning in the market and your values. In Sweden, many people have heard of Mynewsdesk but they still think of us as a crazy company who run around in red jumpsuits, and that just isn’t the case!

Secondly, I learned to trust myself. Agencies approached us with some really fun and elaborate ideas, but they just weren’t addressing who we are as a brand. If you’re not fully comfortable with an idea then don’t run with it. Trust your instincts until you find the right fit.

And finally, I realised the complexity of internal comms. Before Mynewsdesk Now, I hadn’t really considered the job that internal communications can play and just how important it is that the whole company is kept informed. I didn’t really prioritise it, but next time around I definitely will! It’s better to reach your own colleagues before sharing news with the wider world; get everyone onboard before going ahead.

Which piece of coverage were you most proud of?

The subject we chose was one that enabled journalists to write about the campaign from so many different angles, so it was cool to see who wrote what. But for us, getting covered in The Washington Post was pretty amazing!

We'll be keeping everything crossed until the awards ceremony on 12th November. GOOD LUCK, team!





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