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Bootcamp Session #6: Creating images and videos on a budget!

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Bootcamp Session #6: Creating images and videos on a budget!

Bonjour Bootcamp Boffins!

Can you believe it? We are ramping up for our 6th... YES, SIXTH bootcamp session! 

We have brought you an exhaustive list of content including newsroom basics, setting KPIs, SEO, content and distribution, digital assets and social sharing and now we're giving you the low-down on how to create visual assets on a budget. 

We believe our customers are more than capable of creating engaging image and video content quickly and easily. All you needs are some tips on how to get started and an idea of which tools  (and people!) can help you along the way.  And with video on the sharp rise (remember that stat about how by 2018 video will account for over  2/3rds of mobile usage!?) it's time we equipped our newsroom soldiers with the right ammo!

Our sixth session we will be covering:

  • Storytelling : Types of video content 
  • Setting up a video interview
  • Screen captures
  • Video Editing
  • Audio
  • Visual design on a budget
  • Harnessing the power of social to amplify your views
  • Free tools for video and image creation

Are you ready to tie your bootcamp bootlaces and get creative?

Then join us next Wednesday 7th October 2015 at 10am :)

Those of you who have completed the Bootcamp series will receive the official Mynewsdesk Bootcampiversity Degree in Newsroom Knowledge. 

AND... due to popular demand in this subject... we are equipping our graduates with a special prize. ONE EXTRA SESSION!

The topic will be: Google Analytics! How to navigate the tool, how to use it in conjunction with your newsroom, why you should care and how to set it up! 

Join us on the 21st October at 10am 2015  to receive your degree and your extra session on GA!


All the best,

The CS Team




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