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Categories: bliksund


E-helseselskapet Bliksund akselerer veksten med Monterro på laget

Investeringsselskapet Monterro som er spesialisert på programvareselskaper i Norden, blir majoritetseier i det markedsledende e-helseselskapet Bliksund. Målet er vekst og internasjonalisering for å støtte flere kunder i helsetjeneste og nødetater.

EWA, Bliksunds elektroniska ambulansjournal

Norska e-hälsoföretaget Bliksund accelererar tillväxten med Monterro

Monterro, Nordens ledande investerare i B2B-mjukvarubolag blir majoritetsägare i det norska, marknadsledande SaaS e-hälsoföretaget Bliksund. Målet är att accelerera tillväxten och expandera internationellt för att kunna hjälpa ännu fler verksamheter inom akut- och räddningstjänsten.

Bliksund's software used in ambulances

Norwegian e-health company, Bliksund, accelerates growth with Monterro

Leading Nordic growth investor in B2B software companies, Monterro, has acquired a majority share of market leading Norwegian e-health SaaS company Bliksund. The aim is to accelerate growth, expand internationally and support even more organisations within the ambulance, rescue and fire services.

We turn Nordic software companies into market leaders.

Monterro was founded in 2012 and is the leading B2B software investor in the Nordics. Its mission is to turn Nordic software companies into market leaders. With operational experience from successfully developing and running companies – such as Pointsec, Episerver, Orc Software, Lime, Next and Outpost24 – Monterro actively supports its portfolio companies in all aspects of growth. A substantial part (25%) of the fund’s capital comes from Monterro’s founders and employees. Monterro is headquartered in Stockholm with offices in Oslo, Copenhagen, Munich, and a software development center in Hanoi.


Nybrogatan 17
114 39 Stockholm