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Monterro invests in Hypergene
Monterro invests in Hypergene

Press release -

Monterro invests in Hypergene

Monterro has through its newly announced fund Monterro 2 acquired 60% of the Swedish software company Hypergene.

Hypergene develops and delivers a web- based planning, monitoring and analysis product. It includes solutions for three distinctive segments, Performance Management, Budget/Forecast and Analytics and Reporting. Hypergene’s customers are public organizations and private companies mainly in Sweden. The company has a history of strong growth and good profitability.

”Hypergene is changing the performance management market. The key is our web based products which are giving our customers completely new options. After 15 years of strong growth we are seeing tremendous opportunity looking forward. We will continue to develop our products together with our customers, enter into new markets, look at new partnerships and business models. To work with a partner like Monterro with the right experience and knowledge will increase the speed and momentum of our initiatives. We see great value in working with Monterro”, says Per Hidenius, CEO Hypergene.

”We have for a long time been impressed by Hypergene and all its employees. Hypergene has been very successful and taken a leading position in its niche. With strong products and services, the company fits very well with Monterro’s investment strategy. We are happy and proud over the opportunity to become main shareholder in a company with such exciting prospects. We are looking forward to contributing with our experience and knowledge on the journey ahead”, says Thomas Bill, Managing Partner, Monterro

For further information, please contact:
Thomas Bill, Managing Partner, tel +46 (0)8 20 05 56

About Monterro
Monterro is a Stockholm private equity firm focusing on software and software based services in the Nordic region. The team behind Monterro has unique operational and strategic experience combined with a strong financial background. One third of the capital in Monterro 2 comes from the partners. This assures that the interests are aligned between Monterro, entrepreneurs and external investors.

About Hypergene
Hypergene is a web-based planning, monitoring and analysis product. With their help, organizations can work towards set goals and achieve a new, higher level of performance and efficiency. The key is a product that consists of three interacting and user-friendly modules: Performance management, Budgeting & Forecasting and Monitoring & Analysis. Each module stands up well on its own merits, and together, they create a complete corporate performance management solution. Hypergene’s client base includes Viking Line, Kungsleden, the City of Gothenburg, SSAB, TV4, Stockholm County Council, Sveaskog, Svenska Spel and over 50 of the country’s municipalities. Hypergene is a Swedish company employing over 100 professionals. In 2014 Hypergene was recognized as ‘Marathon Gazelle of the Year’ by Dagens Industri. In the same year, Computer Sweden recognized Hypergene as one of Sweden’s hottest and most innovative tech companies.



Monterro is the leading B2B software investor in the Nordics, with a mission to turn Nordic software companies into market leaders and global players within their niches. Our team has successfully developed and led companies such as Pointsec, Episerver and Orc Software – and we bring this operational experience to the Monterro portfolio, supporting the companies in all aspects of growth. We also bring significant financial commitment to our partnerships, with 30% of capital coming from our partners and employees.


Thomas Bill Revland

Thomas Bill Revland

Managing Director, and Co-founder of Monterro At Monterro, Thomas is Chairman of the Board of Caspeco, Hypergene, Trapets, and Bliksund, and a board member of Matilda FoodTech, and Lumera. Co-founder of Monterro.

We turn Nordic software companies into global players.

Monterro is not your typical investment firm. We combine entrepreneurial spirit, business experience and personal networks to support the management teams it partners with. Based in Stockholm, Monterro is a hand-on growth investor targeting software companies in the Nordic region. Unlike other firms, who only invest other people’s money, the Monterro partners have a personal stake in each and every investment. We have skin in the game.


Nybrogatan 17
114 39 Stockholm