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Löfbergs want to roast coffee in downtown Stockholm

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Löfbergs want to roast coffee in downtown Stockholm

A coffee roaster in downtown Stockholm? Yes, that can become a reality if Löfbergs has it its way. The family-owned coffee roaster is looking for premises, where it can roast as well as serve coffee.

- We have heard that a big international coffee chain is establishing in Stockholm, but we believe that there is room for a familiar Värmlander as well, says Leif Sjöblom, marketing manager at Löfbergs.

A new “coffee scraper”?
Löfbergs was founded in 1906 and is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The production is equivalent to ten million cups of coffee a day. The head office is situated in Karlstad, where the 45 metres tall “coffee scraper” is a landmark. The roasting-house in downtown Stockholm is not intended to be that big.

- No, this is supposed to be a micro roaster and a really great café with a touch of Värmland. A place for everyone in Stockholm who wants to make, taste and learn more about coffee - or that just want to relax for awhile, says Leif Sjöblom.

- We are looking for premises that are between 100 and 200 square metres big, in downtown Stockholm. We expect to be up and running sometime next year.

For more information:
Leif Sjöblom, Marketing Manager, Löfbergs, +46 (0) 54-14 01 42,



Löfbergs is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The company has 300 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.5 billion. The head office is situated in Karlstad, Sweden and the company has its own roasting-houses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Latvia. The company was founded in 1906 and is today one of the world's largest importers of ecological and Fairtrade labelled coffee. Löfbergs also owns the tea brand Kobbs.


Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22

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Welcome to Löfbergs!

The Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs is a Family Business founded in 1906. We are more than 300 coffee lovers operating in ten core markets in Europe, sharing the passion for taste, trends and sustainability. We produce 12 million cups of coffee per day and is one of the world's largest purchasers of organic and Fairtrade-labeled coffee. The group includes the brands Löfbergs, Peter Larsen Kaffe and Kobbs.


Tolagsgatan 1
SE-652 21 Karlstad

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