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Safe and Spiro Tubeformer make up successful solution for Sports Centre Malley. © Atelier Brunecky
Safe and Spiro Tubeformer make up successful solution for Sports Centre Malley. © Atelier Brunecky

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Better Safe than sorry

Sometimes projects are extra demanding. Perhaps not in the choice of products or solutions. But rather in the overall project execution, when aspects such as efficiency of installation and lowering of transport cost and minimized carbon dioxode footprint are taken into account. This was indeed the case when Consortium ARC P.a Aérovent Crissier SA chose the ventilation package that combined the highest product quality with outstanding ease of installation and an environmentally friendly approach. ”In the Sports Centre Malley project, Lindab presented us with precisely such a solution,” says Pascal Baudois of ARC P.a Aérovent Crissier. ”They quite frankly stepped out of the box and gave us all the Lindab Safe advantages along with complete on-site production of all ducts. That made all the difference.”

The Sports Centre Malley in Prilly, Switzerland will be a new multi-sports arena serving the municipalities of Lausanne, Prilly and Renens. The arena complex will consist of facilities for ice hockey, skating and concerts/public events, as well as water sports facilities.

In 2020 the eyes of the world will be focused on Sports Centre Malley since it will be one of the Swiss venues hosting the Winter Youth Olympics in 2020. Furthermore, in April later that year, it will also host the international hockey elite and the World Ice Hockey Championships 2020.

”Lindabs deliveries so far has focused on Aérovent’s installations in the Ice rink stadium of the arena”, explains Markus Rohner, Lindab Country Manager, Switzerland. ”Key to securing the order was our ability to meet the special demands and requests that Aérovent SA and Pascal Baudois put forward.”

A package of important advantages

Aérovent visualized a solution adding a number of advantages resulting in both financial, environmental and ergonomical benefits. ”In short, we wanted to produce the ducts on site allowing us absolute just-in-time deliveries”, Pascal Baudois continues. ”This would also allow us to produce longer ducting, up to 8 meters in length as compared to the 3 m standard lengths. This, in turn, would mean more rapid installation, fewer fittings and vastly reduced transport and logistics costs. The question was, could Lindab do this?”

”We have a long lasting relationship with Aérovent, servicing them for well over 10 years, but when Pascal Baudois approached us with the idea of producing ducts on site, I must admit, it took us by surprise,” says Eric Puigserver, Lindab Sales Manager. ”However, with Spiro International SA in the Group, we no doubt had the means to do it. After a thorough internal analysis we could then present a complete solution for the Ice rink deliveries: an on-site Spiro Tubeformer machine, complete with operator and full deliveries of all Lindab Safe fittings and, of course, steel coils for the duct production. So, of course we could do it and gave Aérovent all the advantages they demanded”.

Short and long term environmental benefits

Aérovent’s installations in the Ice rink stadium were finalized in mid December 2018. The majority of the ventilation system, now visible in the roof of the stadium, consists of ducts in large dimensions. No less than 800 meters of 1,250 mm ducting makes up the bulk of the systems, complemented by dimensions in the 315 - 700 mm range. All ducts were lifted in place by Aérovent and easisly joined toghether through the Lindab Safe fittings. The longer ducts meant fewer fittings and the installers could subsequently perform the complete installation both faster and easier.

The actual on-site duct production using the Spiro Tubeformer was done in approx. 4 weeks, while the full iIl Ice rink stadium installations took some 6 months.

It is estimated that some CHF 50,000 were saved through the elimination of duct transports from factory to site. Together with the tight, energy-efficient Safe systems this give substancial short and long term environmental benefits.

Complete and smooth solution

”Our long time and fruitful relationship with Lindab played an imporant part in our choice of them for this project”, Pascal Baudois continues, ”but Lindabs ability to let us combine the Lindab Safe-system with on-site duct production no doubt tipped the scales favourably in Lindab’s direction. As always, direct and fast access to both materials and staff support play an important part in Lindab’s palette of advantages. And, of course, Eric Puigserver’s never ending willingness to support and service us. In this particular project, with the Tubeformer included, Eric’s moves behind the scenes and coordination with Spiro, were of utmost importance.”

”Perhaps it is no surprise that we at Aérovent, as well as the full ARC consortium, had full confidence in the Lindab solution right from the start”, Pascal Baudois concludes. ”We were no doubt proved right. The duct production and handling ran smoothly, with ducts and fittings, even the 1,250 mm, fitting impeccably together. All in all, it turned out to be a solid and tip-top solution that really flowed from start to end. The fact that the general contractor, Steiner, is satisfied with both the looks of the system and the strict adherence to the delivery time plan make things even better. Lindab has no doubt fulfilled all our expectations - once again.” Better Safe than sorry, as the saying goes!




Catharina Paulcén

Catharina Paulcén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications, Lindab Group +46 701 48 99 65

Lindab - For a better climate

Lindab is a leading ventilation company in Europe. Lindab develops, manufactures, markets and distributes products and systems for energy-efficient ventilation and a healthy indoor climate. The products are characterized by high quality, ease of installation and environmental thinking.


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