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Pedro Gómez-Egaña. Photo © Adil Yusifov
Pedro Gómez-Egaña. Photo © Adil Yusifov

Press release -

Pedro Gómez-Egaña to Deichman Bjørvika in Oslo

Oslo's new main library is more than just books. It is also home to amazing artworks, including Lars Ramberg’s BRAINSTORM. This vast neon light installation was unveiled when the library was officially opened last summer. This coming autumn, visitors will be able to experience another spectacular work of art at the Deichman Library in Oslo's Bjørvika district; this time created by the Colombian artist Pedro Gómez-Egaña.

Once a day for a whole year, a glass sphere will descend from the library's ceiling into the hand of a lucky visitor. The glass sphere will then open to reveal a visualisation of the library’s geographic position beside the Akerselva river. The work opens in September, lasts for 365 days, and will be an exclusive experience for a lucky few.

Pedro Gómez-Egaña (1978) is a Colombian artist, who lives and works in Oslo. He works with sculptures and installations that often have an all-encompassing and place-specific character. Gómez-Egaña builds carefully thought-out environments, which the public become a part of and which, in different ways, examine how objects in a space affect our perception of time. Gómez-Egaña is also particularly interested in the intersection between technology and culture, and how technology affects our senses.

© Pedro Gómez-Egaña

Temporary art installation in the library

In connection with the construction of the Deichman Library in Bjørvika, the city's Agency for Cultural Affairs invited submissions for temporary art projects, in addition to the permanent installation in the building’s lobby. In all, six artists were invited to submit proposals for works of art focusing on issues such as globalisation, knowledge production, technology, the environment and the role of art in society.

“We are looking forward to unveiling Pedro Gómez-Egaña’s work at Deichman Bjørvika. Since its establishment, the new main library has been working to ensure that art is a natural part of what we offer, prompting curiosity and reflection. This artwork will be accessible in the library for a whole year, and we think it will delight and surprise library goers,” says Merete Lie, head of department at Deichman Bjørvika and a member of the competition jury.

Marianne Zamecznik. Photo © Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard

Timely art between architecture and geography

Based on a short-list of Norwegian and international artists, curators Marianne Zamecznik and Zasha Colah invited Ahmet Ögut (TR/NL), Anawana Haloba (NO), Jana Winderen (NO), Olaf Nicolai (DE), Tamar Guimaraes (BR/DK) and Pedro Gómez-Egaña (CO) to compete for the realisation of a temporary art project at Deichman Bjørvika. Pedro Gómez-Egaña won the competition with the project Inmeridiem.

Inmeridiem symbolises the different time dimensions in which the library sits, given its location beside the Akerselva river – the result of millions of years of geological development encapsulated in mineral formations in the riverbed, the innumerable cycles of water the river has carried and all the generations that have lived in Oslo and used the river through the ages.


The Agency for Cultural Affairs (Kulturetaten) ensures quality, diversity and development in cultural offerings in Oslo. The Agency also recommends candidates for grants and scholarships for various projects aiming to promote art, culture and media in the city. The Agency is also responsible for the City of Oslo’s art programme, the City Archives, Oslo Culture School, the Pop Centre, the Vigeland Museum, the sculptures in the Vigeland Park, Oslo Culture Night, Oslo biennalen, summer camps, cultural properties, the Events Office (arrangementskontoret), and more.

Stein Slyngstad has been director since 2018.

Deichman is the agency for the public libraries in the city of Oslo. Founded in 1785, it consists of 22 branches all over Oslo and is Norway's largest and oldest public library. A Deichman library is a haven for you, no matter who you are; where you can read, work, relax, meet friends, or just be alone. You can borrow from our collection of over a million books, movies, CDs and other material. There is free wireless internet, and free access to computers and workshop tools. All you pay for is the paper and materials used when you print or copy. Our libraries are meeting places where you can experience or arrange everything from concerts and cartoon festivals to language courses and political debates. Deichman wants to contribute to a society where everyone has a sense of belonging, ownership and commitment – towards both the community and their own lives. No matter why you come here, you will leave with something.


Tone Kjensmo

Tone Kjensmo

Press contact Communication advisor, Culture Affairs +47 470 79 019

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