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KommuneKredit launches 2025-strategy with sustainability focus

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KommuneKredit launches 2025-strategy with sustainability focus

As one of six priorities, sustainability plays an integral part in KommuneKredit’s new strategy. The association wants to integrate sustainability in the business model to support its members’ – the Danish municipalities and regions – climate ambitions and to accommodate the investors’ growing interest in sustainability.

KommuneKredit is undergoing a transformation to future-proof the association as a well-run, accessible and sustainable financial institution that finances local government investments in infrastructure and sustainable transition at the lowest possible cost.

The new strategy, which builds on KommuneKredit’s contributions so far, further increases sustainability efforts across the association – from bond issues and customer service to operational support and reporting.

“Our members have high ambitions for the sustainable transition of local communities. At the same time demand for green bonds and sustainable investments is rising world-wide. It is therefore quite natural that we pay increased attention to integrating sustainability in all parts of our business during the upcoming strategic period,” says CEO Jens Lundager.

The strategy ensures greatest possible growth and development

The ambitions of Strategy 2025 are focused directly on members and customers. KommuneKredit plays an important role in the growth and development of the Danish local communities. Regardless of the size of a project, or where it is carried out, the association offers financing at the lowest possible cost and on equal terms for all. This creates cohesion and provides a breeding ground for municipalities and regions – and ultimately the individual citizen – getting the most growth and development for their money.

We are pulling out all the stops to create a KommuneKredit of the future – for the sole benefit of the association’s customers. In addition to the ambition for integrating sustainability in the business model Strategy 2025 sets out an additional 5 strategic priorities, which set the course for the transition of the coming years:

  • The good customer experience
  • Steady and stable market player
  • Simple and robust IT-foundation
  • Transparency and a good reputation
  • Professionalisation

Read more about KommuneKredit’s Strategy 2025.



Jens Lundager

Jens Lundager

Press contact CEO +45 3369 7622


KommuneKredit is a Danish special-purpose credit institution, providing funding for the local growth and green transition in municipalities and regions across Denmark.

KommuneKredit is an association with sustainability at its core and a strong ESG profile. Our member base consists of all Danish municipal and regional authorities. Our guarantee structure and safe business model have secured us a premium credit rating (AAA) (Aaa).

That is why we can offer municipalities and regions instant and uncomplicated access to financing of projects large or small and at the lowest possible cost. With equal opportunities and terms for all – across the entire country.

That is how it has been since 1899, when KommuneKredit first disbursed a loan. And that is the way it is today, as our dedicated employees advise on and arrange more than 2,000 loans every year.

When investors buy our bonds, we can disburse loans for purposes ranging from energy renovation of a local sports centre to the purchase of a new eco-friendly hybrid ferry, or the establishment of more sustainable district heating systems across the country.

For the benefit of ordinary citizens, for our local communities, and for an even greener future.


Kultorvet 16
DK-1175 Copenhagen K

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