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New CEO Kaunis Iron

Press release -

New CEO Kaunis Iron

On 1 September 2019 Klas Dagertun takes on his appointment as CEO of Kaunis Iron AB. He also becames CEO of the parent group Kaunis Holding AB and the sister company Malmtransport Norr AB.

Klas Dagertun is currently CFO of the group and has been involved in operations since the decision was made to restart the mine. He has previous experience in leading positions in the industry in general.

– It feels incredibly thrilling to take the baton and lead operations into the future, says Klas Dagertun. We are a fantastic organisation together with our partners, and have good prospects to build a long-term sustainable mining operation in Pajala.

Per-Erik Lindvall is handing over responsibility for operative management but will assist Klas as CEO and will be involved in issues to do with expansion plans, prospecting and permit applications.

– Per-Erik has done a fantastic job but has always made it clear that he sees himself as a short-term solution, says chair of the board Anders Sundström. We are still a start-up and need to use our resources wisely. Per-Erik has long experience in precisely these areas so it is natural that as a board member he is engaging operatively in these strategically vital questions.


Welcome to Kaunis Iron!

In Pajala, 10 miles north of the Arctic Circle and in the middle of beautiful Tornedalen, you will find Kaunis Iron.

We are a new and modern mining company that mines iron ore, which we then refine and sell to the world market. Our unique iron ore concentrate, with its quality and environmental advantages, is already in high demand among the world's steel mills.

The aim is an annual production corresponding to 2.1 million tonnes of finished product.

Kaunis Iron

Bert-Ove Johanssons väg 8
984 91 Pajala

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