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A thousand deals and over three hundred new clients - Junglemap sums up a record-breaking 2021

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A thousand deals and over three hundred new clients - Junglemap sums up a record-breaking 2021

2021 was a record year for Junglemap with over a thousand deals and more than three hundred new clients — a 22 percent increase since last 2020. With a rapid global increase in cyberattacks and a growing awareness of the need for improved information security, Junglemap sees a continuing growth in 2022.

Junglemap offers NanoLearning to help organizations reduce risk, change behavior — and measure the effect.

— Information security is not a technology issue: it’s about human behavior, says Gustav Berghog, Group CEO at Junglemap. We help our customers strengthen their employees' safety behaviors - and more and more companies and organizations see that our method really works.

Gustav Berghog sees the fact that many new customers sign up with Junglemap as a result of information security being given more space in the public debate, combined with the increasing need for methods for learning in today's working life. And there is no doubt that Junglemap's method meets a need. The aim for 2022 is at continued growth.

— We are in a growth market and see huge potential in our method and platform, Gustav Berghog says. Next year, we will launch a new strategy to take further steps on this journey.

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We provide effective and affordable security, privacy, productivity and governance awareness training based on NanoLearning.


Gustav Berghog

Gustav Berghog

Press contact Group CEO Global +46 (0) 725 599 444

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