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Themen: Wissenschaft, Technologie

The XBUS drives. For ElectricBrands, ever larger cars cannot be the answer. The manufacturer pursues clever, versatile and sustainable concepts that preserve individual mobility and personal lifestyle.

World Premiere: XBUS Prototype leads the Way - Lightweight Vehicle for the Mobility of the Future

After some three years of development, the time has come: The fully functional prototype of the XBUS - previously known as eBussy – is now entering its next phase. The first series model of the new modular universal vehicle will be rolling off the production line in Itzehoe in mid-2022.
Photos, videos and press information free for editorial use here: XBUS Media Download

Ingolstadt – T

Der XBUS rollt. Für ElectricBrands können immer größere Autos nicht die Antwort sein. Der Hersteller verfolgt clevere, wandlungsfähige und nachhaltige Konzepte, die individuelle Mobilität und persönlichen Lifestyle erhalten.

Weltpremiere: Der Prototyp des XBUS fährt vor - Leichtfahrzeug für die Mobilität der Zukunft

Nach rund drei Jahren Entwicklungszeit ist es soweit: Mit der Weltpremiere wird der XBUS Realität. Der Prototyp zeigt, wie Elektromobilität in der Klasse der Leichtfahrzeuge aussehen kann: Funktional, flexibel, nachhaltig und kostengünstig. Mitte 2022 werden die ersten Serienexemplare des neuen modularen Universalfahrzeugs die Werkshallen in Itzehoe verlassen. 
Fotos, Videos und Presseinfo

Light vehicles as a class of the future - today the prototype of the XBUS is presented to the public for the first time.

World premiere of the XBUS - electric mobility of a different kind - today 7:07 p.m. CET in the livestream

The desk in the editorial office is full, but this appointment is really important:
The world premiere of ElectricBrands' XBUS, a lightweight vehicle (L7e) that sets new standards. We invite you to livestream one of the world's most environmentally friendly, four-wheeled electric vehicles.
The solar panels on the roof alone create an additional range of up to 200 km per day. The XBUS is pa

ElectricBrands will present its new modular light vehicle XBUS to the world public via livestream on 07/07/2021.

Light vehicle as a future class - world premiere of the XBUS from ElectricBrands, previously known as eBussy

Herewith we cordially invite you to the world premiere of the XBUS by ElectricBrands! After almost three years of development, you can take a look at the fully functional prototype of the electric vehicle via livestream.
Click here for the livestream on 07.07.2021 at 19:00 CET.
The XBUS, previously known as eBussy, is a light vehicle (L7e class). It sets new standards in almost every respect

ElectricBrands präsentiert der Weltöffentlichkeit am 07.07.2021 per Livestream sein neues modulares Leichtfahrzeug XBUS.

Leichtfahrzeug als Zukunftsklasse - Weltpremiere des XBUS von ElectricBrands, bisher bekannt als eBussy

Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich ein zur Weltpremiere des XBUS von ElectricBrands! Nach knapp drei Jahren Entwicklung können Sie per Livestream den voll funktions-tüchtigen Prototyp des Elektrofahrzeugs in Augenschein nehmen. 
Hier geht es zum Livestream am 07.07.2021 um 19:00 Uhr MEZ.
Der XBUS, bisher bekannt als eBussy, ist ein Leichtfahrzeug (L7e). In fast jeder Hinsicht setzt er neue Maßst

Transporting the vaccines and maintaining the cold chain are a particular challenge. Here, a DHL employee prepares the temporary storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius in special freezers.

What about the global distribution of vaccines? Deutsche Post DHL Group media invitation

The fight against the pandemic is global and would not stand a chance without vaccine. If enough vaccine reaches everywhere in the world, COVID-19 can be defeated. The development of safe and effective vaccines in record time alone is a remarkable achievement of science. Transport of vaccines is also a critical factor. 95 per cent of COVID-19 vaccines are produced in only eight countries, but dist

Transporting the vaccines and maintaining the cold chain are a particular challenge. Here, a DHL employee prepares the temporary storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius in special freezers.

What about the global distribution of vaccines? Deutsche Post DHL Group media invitation

The fight against the pandemic is global and would not stand a chance without vaccine. If enough vaccine reaches everywhere in the world, COVID-19 can be defeated. The development of safe and effective vaccines in record time alone is a remarkable achievement of science. Transport of vaccines is also a critical factor. 95 per cent of COVID-19 vaccines are produced in only eight countries, but dist

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