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Light vehicles as a class of the future - today the prototype of the XBUS is presented to the public for the first time.
Light vehicles as a class of the future - today the prototype of the XBUS is presented to the public for the first time.

Pressemitteilung -

World premiere of the XBUS - electric mobility of a different kind - today 7:07 p.m. CET in the livestream

The desk in the editorial office is full, but this appointment is really important:

The world premiere of ElectricBrands' XBUS, a lightweight vehicle (L7e) that sets new standards. We invite you to livestream one of the world's most environmentally friendly, four-wheeled electric vehicles.

The solar panels on the roof alone create an additional range of up to 200 km per day. The XBUS is particularly flexible thanks to its modular system based on the "Lego principle". ElectricBrands' goal - the XBUS will be the best and most innovative light electric vehicle in the world. No other vehicle should combine technology, usability, design and fun like an XBUS.

Livestream on 07/07/2021 at 19:00 CET / 07.07 p.m. CET.

The XBUS is not the next start up with high-flying ideas, but a solidly planned piece of German engineering. Conceived by founder Ralf Haller and CEO Martin Henne, designed by car designer Yaro Yakovlev and brought to market by future Supervisory Board Chairman Ulrich Walker and Tom Anliker, Supervisory Board.

Production will start in Northern Germany in mid-2022, when the first of the now around 9,000 pre-ordered customer examples will leave the production line, plus a further 10,000 orders directly from the European network of around 600 dealers to date. The innovative and modular concept of an electrically powered universal vehicle is becoming reality - turning the class of light vehicles into the environmentally friendly and cost-effective class of the future.

Be there for the livestream on 07.07. at 19:00 CET when the first prototype sees the light of day in Ingolstadt. With another email tomorrow you will receive text, photo and video material via download link.

The XBUS - Made in Germany with Love.


Press contact:

Infokontor – Content Agency

Olaf Fidora, Wilfried Große-Berg





Feel free to download and use!

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